Mini Meltdown



  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015
    I am so glad I posted about my 'episode' and found I'm not the only one who has these uncontrollable blubbers. I must say I have always been a bit of a softy. You know, cry at TV adverts and stuff! Well if we are a little more sensitive than before, perhaps that's not a bad thing. Shows our souls I think.

    Yep we are not invisible that's for sure.

    Hugs back to you

    Janey xxx
  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015
    I think I might use that. "Going topless". That's classic :)
  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015
    Yeah. Had a good day today even having Herceptin. My sister comes with me now and we have a great old chin wag and 'do lunch'.

    Second day 'going topless' and I felt good :)

    Janey xxx
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited March 2015
    So glad.
    Paula :)
  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015
    Night owls again hey. I am soooo wide awake at the mo. Thought I would go to sleep pretty easily after a long day. But as soon as I turned out the light, my mind clicked on and I can't sleep. Laid here for about an hour and gave in and turned the light back on. Oh well :)
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited March 2015
    At least it's not quite as late for me in Qld. Keep thinking I will head to bed but have been having trouble sleeping since my surgery. Not much of a back sleeper. How long until you lay on your side to sleep again? I seem to wake frequently too. Have gradually downsized my pillow pile, only two under my head/shoulders and one under my knees so each night getting more comfortable. Sorry to go off on a tangent on your post.
    Paula :)
  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015
    Yes it does take a while before you are able to roll over. I think it took me about a month. I found that if I put a pillow lengthwise along my side and one on my other side under my shoulder and hip, I could ease over a bit onto my opposite hip and shoulder. Kind of at a 45 degree angle. If this makes sense. Helped a bit until I could roll all the way onto my side. I still sleep with a pillow between my knees though. I found it help ease the pressure on my tummy when my leg is elevated a bit.

    Only early days for you Paula but it will come. And it's sooo good :)

    I'm going to try and get some sleep again now and I hope you can too. So nighty night.

    Janey xxx
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Janey. Went to bed but up again. Snoring husband doesn't help. Have a houseful as Mum And Dad here helping at the mo(bless them) and my sister flew in just for the night and so no spare beds at the inn. If I introduce another pillow to our room... Hubbie and PS surgeon were joking about the breeding pillows last time we saw him. Hehehehehe I know early days. I actually could probably easily sleep on my side, just worried I will damage something.
    Thanks and hope you sleeping soundly
    Paula x