Hello there Just Diagnosed

Meg1112 Member Posts: 6
edited July 2024 in Newly diagnosed
Hi everyone just thought I’d reach out to the community. Recently diagnosed with breast cancer ER/PR positive HER2 negative. 2 legions in breast. I’ve had bloods done and results of chest/abdo/pelvis ct. My surgeon sent me for a Pet scan yesterday and awaiting results as l have a nodule in my lung picked up in the CT scan. Booked in for surgery next week pending results of pet scan. It’s been a shock/struggle/rollercoaster . Today feeling particularly low. Just wondering how you lovely people out there deal with the waiting/anxiety/depression/overwhelming feelings that come with the diagnosis xxx


  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    edited July 2024
    Welcome @Meg1112 - it is good that your have reached out and I am sure you will receive lots of support here.  Someone will have your diagnosis and you will feel less alone.
    Yes, it is a real shock to us all as it is not something one expects.  Do you have support ?  If this is really getting to you do contact a counsellor (one may be available at your treating hospital) or contact the BCNA helpline on 1800 500 258.
    Someone in your area will no doubt also be in touch with you and they can assist with more localised suggestions.
    The waiting is the worst through each stage of this disease and treatment.  Some people join in with groups, some enjoy their sports or hobbies, some are involved in music - whatever makes you feel a bit less alone and takes your mind off it a bit.
    Try to take things one day at a time and don't overthink things - and no Googling as the info may not be accurate and may not be relevant to you.
    Thinking of you.  💖

  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 243
    Hi @Meg1112, the waiting is the worst. I had several non related non cancerous things picked up on my initial scan, it's apparently quite common. I also have a tiny nodule on my lung which is being monitored, the oncologist was fairly unconcerned about it and said they see them fairly often, and they are usually caused by an old infection or environmental things, but they need to keep an eye on it if it isn't clear what it is. I've had 2 scans and another in September just to check it hasn't changed. So far mine hasn't, even during chemo, which is good, so if it's still the same in September I won't need to be scanned again. Hopefully yours is something similar.

    The initial scans and tests can be pretty overwhelming, but it does settle down once that's all done and you have a plan in place. 

    If you have access to a McGrath Nurse you should contact them, they have been a great help through my journey. 
  • Mareealso
    Mareealso Member Posts: 43
    Hi Meg, hang in there! Don’t Google anything as it is hard to find good medical based opinions on there and there are a lot of fruit loops expressing their views. Don’t look at statistics either as you are not a number and no one knows your strength and capabilities!  Once you have completed your tests, things will settle as you will be placed on a treatment plan and there are new treatments being approved all the time! I also had 2 lumps and was positive for Er. Have had the surgery and chemo and am now on the Aromatase Inhibiters (estrogen blockers). Try not to stress too much (easier said I know) and keep the mind busy by preparing meals, bedrooms etc in case you are physically not strong for a bit…spoil yourself  now !! Will be thinking of you!!
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 305
    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis @Meg1112. As others have said this phase when you’re waiting is tough on you. One thing that helped was feeling positive because the treating team were being thorough with the tests and considered by looking at my particular results when planning my treatment plan- for that I felt grateful and a bit more confident about embarking on the treatment. 
    Wishing you all the best 🌻☺️
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hello @Meg1112 - just touching base as I am wondering how you are coping ?
    Hope you are OK.  ❤️

  • Meg1112
    Meg1112 Member Posts: 6
    I’m doing ok. Up and down. Still waiting on some results which is really hard.
  • Coastiejas
    Coastiejas Member Posts: 110
    Hi @Meg1112
    I also have ER/PR positive HER2 negative, I had one breast lesion and one lymph node involved.  It really is the worst early on when there is a flurry of tests, appointments, decisions and all when you're trying to get your head around your diagnosis,  which for me came out of the blue as I had no symptoms and it was picked up by my first ever mammogram!  I found that I tried to focus on the positives, like it's been found, and they are treating it, and we have a great health system here. I  have also found meditation and qigong have helped me through as well (I'm not really all new age either!). Look good feel better have some free online sessions which are worth checking out (lgfb.org.au).  Make sure you are kind to yourself and try to treat yourself each day ( even if it is something small like a piece of cake, a nice soap or do something you enjoy). You will get through this, I've got through 2 operations, 6 months of chemo and 6 weeks of radiotherapy,  I'm now on to hormone and targeted therapy.  Somehow you do find the strength within yourself to keep going, you will surprise even yourself with your own strength 💪 
    I wish you all the best with your treatment and keep us posted, I found connecting with others having a similar experience also helped me a lot.
  • Meg1112
    Meg1112 Member Posts: 6
    Thanks @Coastiejas for your kind words of encouragement- much appreciated. I have been doing some meditation (especially before appointments and scans). It was my first mammogram also and had no clue that anything was wrong so it was a complete shock. Not really sure at this stage what is in front of me. You are right- it’s good that it was found and hopefully I will be as strong as you throughout my treatment. Xxx