Extensive DCIS



  • Leach
    Leach Member Posts: 33
    Hi @daikym
    All the best with your results… I find waiting the hardest !  I think I’m a bit of anomaly, I understand most DCIS is all cleared the first time . X 
  • Olivegreen
    Olivegreen Member Posts: 18
    edited September 2023
    Hi I thought I’d jump on this thread because you sound like my people ❤️
     I have high grade 66mm dcis in right breast. I’m having a mastectomy with DIEP reconstruction this coming Thursday. 
    I was diagnosed early July. Feeling pretty scared now as I’m quite a sook with anything medical. Does anyone know will I be able to shower after having the dye the day before (lymphocinitigram)
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    SO sorry to see you join our 'exclusive little club' @Olivegreen .....  it is really good when you find 'your tribe' as it is important to feel confident/comfortable in the info that you are receiving xx. Pretty well everyone here has 'been there', 'done that' .... so hopefully will be able to answer any query you have, with honest answers.

    Having said that ...... I had a 'sentinel node test' the day before my surgery & I don't recall being told NOT to shower (but my memory is notoriously BAD!) & I am not familiar with that particular procedure  ..... it may be worth checking with your Surgeon's Breast Care Nurse (or McGrath Nurse, if you've been assigned one .. ) just in case.    I'd be surprised if you can't do an 'APC' wipe down at the very least ... (arm pit and crutch) ..... 

    Being a sook is absolutely FINE!   I bawled as I said goodbye to my husband, brother & SIL on the day I was admitted .....  but then I was also FINE once I got upstairs to my room!!!  I was SO relieved the next day, following the surgery, too .... 

    Feel free to jump on this thread & see 'other bits' on the forum, that may help you prepare for the hospital & even give light relief over the next few weeks ..... even funny bits, as we all need a laugh!


    Take care & try & keep busy in the 'wait time' .... where abouts are you?  Other members living nearby may be able to help point you to specific services available to you nearby.  (Just the 'town/suburb' - add it to your profile..) xx
  • Leach
    Leach Member Posts: 33
    @daikymhow are you going? Have you received your results yet? 
  • Leach
    Leach Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2023
    @Olivegreen I’m pleased you jumped on this conversation. All the very best for the weeks ahead. I can imagine it’s very daunting, Where are you based? 
    I’m having consultations with more specialists including plastic surgeon this week. I’ve been having surgery in Brisbane, although travelling from Alice Springs. 
    I’m curious to know pros and cons of immediate v delayed recon for those who  have / will have recon. DIEP sounds like the recon of choice for a lot of ladies. I’ll be keen to see what the plastic surgeon has to say this week.  
    Please stay in touch @Olivegreen
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    @Leach learning that you have a malignant boob is a life changing experience. I immediately distrusted the other.

    I can honestly say that the distress at  loss of my breasts has been more than offset by the relief that I don't have to monitor them any more.

  • Olivegreen
    Olivegreen Member Posts: 18
    Hi @arpie I’m having the sentinel node biopsy at the same time as the main procedure. I don’t have a McGrath nurse but will call the breast nurse tomorrow about the dye procedure. @Leach I’m in Melbourne. I opted for immediate reconstruction as I’ve had time to consider my options and don’t want to have to have expanders etc when I can get reconstruction done at same time. I’d recommend the Breconda tool if you’re not sure but also take some time and give it some thought. To begin with I was thinking why on earth would I want to cut open my poor stomach it hasn’t done anything wrong 😂 but ultimately it is a reconstruction for life so that’s how I came to the decision to go diep and immediate. Wishing you all the best in your journeys ❤️
  • mell45
    mell45 Member Posts: 28
    You can shower after lymphoscintigram. Best wishes
  • Leach
    Leach Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2023
    Thanks @Olivegreen. Are you having a single or bilateral Mastectomy with the DIEP?
    I need to have closure of a hole in my heart (due to causing a stroke in Feb.  I'm booked for the cardiac surgery 9th Oct in Adelaide) before I can undergo any lengthy operations so I am up in the air a bit.  I feel like I've be kicked around the park physically and mentally after having 3 (failed) wide local excisions.  I've started exercising more to try and get mentally and physically prepared for what is yet to come.
    All the best for Thursday X
  • Olivegreen
    Olivegreen Member Posts: 18
    Hi @Leach you are certainly having your challenges. I hope you have some clear sailing from here on in. I’m having a single mastectomy. @mell45 thanks I think my anxiety is running a bit high I’m not thinking clearly.