Friday Update - 14th April 2023

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,202

Hello everyone,

We are into the full swing of the 'Field of Women' early-bird pre-sale tickets campaign this week. If you missed this information on your socials or email, I will share all the details on how to access tickets to attend this amazing experience.

We also have a great webcast coming up and recording from the Port Lincoln forum.

Hope you enjoy this brief update and take care.

Community Highlights

Popular Forum Discussions

If you have missed some of the most active discussions in the past couple of weeks, you can check them out via the links below:

Her 2 for the second time
Ways to lower cortisol.
HRT (Estrogen and Progesterone Hormone Replacement Therapy) After cancer for menopause?
Lat Dorsi reconstruction
Happy & Safe Easter, everyone

Posts by 'Category Name' 31March - 14 April 2023

Community News

Field of Women 2023

BCNA is excited to announce early bird tickets for Field of Women 2023 are now on limited pre-sale (20% off standard price). Read more and buy here

After five years, we can't wait to fill the MCG again and stand together to pay tribute to all those affected by breast cancer in our community.

My Care Kit - New sizes available

Berlei has introduced 10 new post-surgery bra sizes into the My Care Kit range. These include 16B, 20C, 22C, 22D, 24D, 10DD, 22DD, 24DD, *12E and 20E. (*Please note 12E will arrival in late April).

We are also pleased to let you know that new stock will have an extended hook and eye clasp along the back of the bra to provide additional length. We hope that changes to the clasp and an increased size range will provide an alternative to the current bra extenders.

The My Care Kit contains a Berlei bra that's been specifically designed for the immediate recovery period, soft form inserts and information.

If you haven't accessed the My Care Kit before and you have recently had breast cancer surgery; you can request the My Care Kit through your breast care nurse, or by contacting BCNA's Helpline on 1800 500 258.

Port Lincoln Forum - recording available

The Information Forum covered a range of topics including the latest in breast cancer treatment, strategies to enhance physical and emotional wellbeing, lymphoedema, and how you can live well during treatment and beyond. 

It was an opportunity to hear about what BCNA does and the services and resources we have available, alongside hearing from the local community groups and BCNA members who will share their experiences on a panel. 

Guest speakers included Clinical Psychologist Dr Charlotte Tottman, Medical Oncologist Associate Professor Rohit Joshi, McGrath Breast Care Nurse Michelle Lydeamore, BCNA member Kerry Schubert, Chiropractor Mr Michael Cheesman, Specialised Lymphoedema Physiotherapist Kristy Roeger and a virtual presentation from Lymphologist Professor Neil Piller.   
To watch the on-demand videos of each presentation, please click here.

Look Good Feel Better - Workshops

Have you heard of the charity 'Look Good Feel Better'? They are a free national community service program, run by the Cancer Patients Foundation. They provide people with resources and workshops to help manage the appearance-related side-effects caused by cancer treatment. They have a number of face-to-face workshops coming up that I thought to share:

* Campbelltown RSL (Campbelltown, NSW) Mon 17 Apr 2023
* Sydney Adventist Hospital - Jacaranda Lodge (Wahroonga, NSW) Tues 18 Apr 2023
* Macksville Community Health (Macksville, NSW) Tue 18 Apr 2023
* St Vincents Public Hospital (Fitzroy, VIC) Wed 19 Apr 2023
* Royal Brisbane YOU CAN CENTE 15-25 years old (Herston, QLD) Thu 20 Apr 2023
* Northern Beaches Hospital (Frenchs Forest, NSW) Fri 21 Apr 2023
* Canberra Southern Cross Club - Woden (Phillip, ACT) Mon 24 Apr 2023
* Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (Parkville, VIC) Wed 26 Apr 2023
* Mater Private Hospital Redland (Cleveland, QLD) Wed 26 Apr 2023
* Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (Herston, QLD) Wed 26 Apr 2023

(Check out more workshop dates via the link

Webcasts / Podcasts


As promised in the last Friday Update, BCNA is hosting a webcast: 'Prioritising me – Setting healthy boundaries on Thursday 27 April'. 

A breast cancer experience and focusing on treatment and recovery can leave you feeling mentally and physically exhausted.
During this time, it’s more important than ever to establish boundaries in your relationships, including those with your family, friends and work colleagues. This can help to take the best possible care of yourself and focus on living well during and beyond breast cancer.

You will hear from Sarah Jonge, Director Supportive Care Services at Cancer Council Tasmania, and BCNA members Kath Elliott and Brega van Vugt will join us to discuss the importance of setting health boundaries during and beyond a breast cancer experience.

Register now via the following link:

Books / Movies / TV Series / Documentaries 

This week I thought I would share the ABC podcast which speaks to the subject of breast cancer during pregnancy. This is the story of Na'ama Carlin who was diagnosed with breast cancer, during pregnancy with her first child. The program also speaks to Prof Fran Boyle. 

'Life and potential death': Being diagnosed with cancer while pregnant 

My Journey has an article on the subject of breast cancer during pregnancy, which you can read HERE

Take care and if you have any feedback please feel free to comment below or send a private message.

@Jenny_BCNA @Carissa_BCNA @Pat_BCNA @Mez_BCNA

If you wish to speak with the Helpline team regarding your concern, please call 1800 500 258 Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm (AEST), alternatively you can email

The mod team - Mez, Carissa, Jenny and Pat
"Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go."


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Many Thanks, @Mez_BCNA - lots of really good links there!  

    I can personally endorse the Look Good, Feel Better workshop - I attended one recently and had a ball!  There were 10 of us & a few (like me) hadn't really 'done' makeup for a long time (in my case, the best part of 20 years other than the occasional bit of mascara ....!)   

    They usually cover wigs/turbans/scarves & different ways of wearing them to best effect .... ours did.

    Give it a go!  ;)  I bet you'll have fun!  AND we all got to keep the 'goodies' too (famous brand names - Revlon, Estee Lauder etc) - so I can give it another go at home!

    I showed my uke group a pic of my 'before & after' transformation - and one buddy said - OMG arpie - you look so pretty!!   haha It's a long time since I've heard that!!!  (If ever! LOL)