Hair dramas - funny

Tillycat Member Posts: 6
So just when I found out I needed chemo I also discovered the kids had given me headlice. It was the only chemo upside I could see - get rid of the horrid things. Well I’m two AC in and have about 100 hairs left and I STILL found two lice this morning. Seriously those things are indestructible. Did make me laugh though. 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Keep that sense of humour going, @Tillycat xx. All the best for your ongoing treatment xx

  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    I can remember as a kid when my mum covered my head in kero to kill the things, and they still survived
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 983
    I remember at primary school long ago my friend and I were in line to have our hair checked by school nurse and we both had some head lice.  The nurse put us in the cupboard so other kids wouldn't know.  I don't know why but I can tell you I am now quite claustrophobic.  My dad threatened sheep dip on us as kids because as soon as we got rid of them someone got them and spread them.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Being of a certain age we were also subjected to a range of strange cures (some of which left scars) however we were fortunate in not having had head lice.  Kero VS being in a cupboard ?  I'd opt for the kero in this story as, like @Locksley, I am not fond of small spaces !