9 years clear after second triple negative diagnosis.



  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    @strongtogether That is such great news. So happy for you and your wife. I remember well how traumatized you were this time last year, and like that it’s another year. Is your wife a member? If so she could join our choosing breast reconstruction group? We don’t allow partners or loved ones to join as there is sharing of very personal images etc. However reclaim your curves has lots of great information. Check it out. www.reclaimyourcurves.org.au
    really happy for you. 
    Paula :)
  • strongtogether
    strongtogether Member Posts: 167
    @mum2jj she is not a member.
    She has her contacts and resources - another one of those mysteries that I am not privy to! That's alright with me. She has a great surgeon and a highly rated PS   so I will leave that bit to her!
  • Melissa55
    Melissa55 Member Posts: 1
    :)   Congratulations that is the most wonderful news and gives me hope.
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    Thanks @Melissa55, that’s why I like to post about some good news. Wishing you all the best. 
    Paula xxxx
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    hi @Tasia
    we have a facebook group if you would like to join it 
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    You are very welcome and it is to give ladies like you hope that I post. I had two mantras when I was early diagnosed and going through treatment “one day at a time and one foot in front of the other “ and “This to shall pass”. I wish you all the best. 
    Paula xxxx
  • Abbydog
    Abbydog Member Posts: 531
    Thanks for posting something positive. 
  • Tasia
    Tasia Member Posts: 126
    You are very welcome and it is to give ladies like you hope that I post. I had two mantras when I was early diagnosed and going through treatment “one day at a time and one foot in front of the other “ and “This to shall pass”. I wish you all the best. 
    Paula xxxx

    Dear Paula,
    Your words amplify ‘hope’ as many of the other wonderful people have also shared in my short time here. I’m in a whirlwind at present, trying to digest, process, make sense of me, this current invasion, how to manage the maze, not lose myself entirely ( my borrowed word - in the shitfest).
    my mantra list is growing and I draw on whatever I need hourly, daily.
    my deepest thanks to you xx
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    Hang in there @Tasia and you are right it is a shitfest. Take what comfort and support you  can from here. Connecting with others who have been where you are can help. Keep adding to the mantras. 
    Paula xxxx