Newbie, just diagnosed

margabra Member Posts: 9
edited August 2019 in Newly diagnosed
Hi Everyone,
Just Dx with grade 3 / stage 2? BC.
At this stage it is a faction below 2 cm but unsure if reached the Lymph nodes.

I have a lot of confidence in my Surgeon and the team at Royal Perth Hospital.

The grade 3 really scares me but I have Hormonal Receptors so I understand that's a good sign.


  • margabra
    margabra Member Posts: 9
    Adding, I will be having Radiation Therapy and possible Chemo. Does anyone have an idea how long after Surgery they start Radiation?

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Welcome @margabra Treatment will depend on your path report  - usually if you're having chemo it'll be about 6-8 weeks after surgery (unless chemo done before surgery) and then radiation about 3 weeks after chemo.  I'm not sure how long they wait between surgery and rads if chemo isn't happening but the site will have to be healed.  It does depend on the treating doctor.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    So Sorry to hear of your diagnosis, @margabra - we have lots of buddies in WA - are you based in Perth?  We have some remote members too who may be able to help you with available services.  @Annie C   @JJ70

    I didn't need chemo & went straight to Radiation - having surgery in mid Jan 18 and started 4 weeks of Rads in the lead up to Easter.  As @Sister says - it would depend on the amount of surgery that you've had & your recovery/healing.

    Have you received your pathology yet?   Then your team will be able to give you an idea of your future treatment.

    All the best for your ongoing treatment.  xx
  • margabra
    margabra Member Posts: 9
    thank you. Its grade 3 with Hormonal receptors. Just below 2 cms at this stage. 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Given the size they might give you four rounds of TC chemo if it hasn't gone to your lymph nodes, but as the folk above have said, you'll have to wait for the pathology results.

    Normally they like you to move onto chemo within three weeks of your surgery. After that if they want you to have radiation therapy you'll get a short break as well.

    The good news about it being ER+ is that you get extra insurance afterwards by taking either Tamoxifen or an Aromatase Inhibitor which either block or stop your estrogen, thereby starving any recurrence growth.

    Hang in there. Once you get a treatment plan happening it gets easier. K xox
  • JJ70
    JJ70 Member Posts: 983
    Hi @margabra
    I am located in Perth.
    Have you made contact with Breast Cancer Care WA. They are a fantastic support. You can get a FREE  breast care nurse through them who will support you through active treatment.
    They also have support groups and counsellors. 
    Ask away if you have any questions. 😊
    If you want to catch up for a coffee....and chat...just message me. Xx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    Hi! Great support and advice being offered.
    We are all different in our treatment plans and the size of the tumour is only part of it.  My tumour was much larger than yours but I didn't need chemo.
    Do you have a surgery date?
    Deep breaths!
    Take care
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    edited August 2019
    This link you will hopefully find helpful 

    Lots to take in
  • margabra
    margabra Member Posts: 9
     thank you EVERYONE. Plans have to be changed to accommodate  my upcoming treatment, hence why I asked about how long after surgery does Chemo or RT start. I have operation on the 19th August. I am located in Eastern Perth area. You are all so helpful! I really appreciate your comments and knowing I have support means the world! I guess its time to be a bit selfish and take care of ME. I do hope I get to meet some of you in person one day soon. To your continuing great health xxx

  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear @margabra, Glad you found the BCNA network; it has been a great support for me too. Best wishes for your op, results and treatment plans.

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Hi @margabra

    As everyone has said, the pathology, lymph nodes and even your age sometimes, will determine what the treatment will be.  I started chemo 6 wks after surgery and then rads 4 weeks after chemo.  I had an axillary clearance so that took extra recovery time. Total time from go to whoa was 9 months.
    It's all so variable that it's very difficult to make plans around until they know exactly what you are dealing with..
    All the best lovely.