Do you work with women who have had treatment
for breast cancer?
Did you know there is a free eight week program specifically designed for women who have
had breast cancer, which is supported by the WA Department of Health? Free exercise and information program to restore mobility, flexibility and confidence restore mobility, flexibility and confidence
Upcoming programs in Perth 2019 Term 3 are scheduled
Riverton Leisureplex
Corner High and Riley Roads, Riverton
FRIDAY 26th July—13th September 2019
12.00pm– 2.00pm
New Venue!
Swan Active
Gray Drive, Midvale
TUESDAY 23rd July—10th September 2019 12.45-2.45pm
Participation is by enrollment only and potential
participants can obtain an enrollment pack by calling the office on 9440 3501,
or emailing Robyn.Mickle@ywca.org.au
Why YWCA Encore?
YWCA Encore is a national program run at over 60
locations. It is the only program of its type in WA to offer both land and
water based exercise as well as information sessions.
The YWCA Encore program is managed by a national
advisory board. In line with latest
research, the program targets the side effects of surgery and treatment through
mobility, stretching, aerobic and resistance exercises. The program also offers information through
guest speakers, links into local services and presents an opportunity to
connect with women who share a similar experience in a safe, fun and supportive
Who is YWCA Encore aimed at?
The program is suitable for women who have had breast
cancer surgery at any point in their lives.
To participate they must be at least 8 weeks post-surgery at program
commencement and not undergoing radiotherapy during the program .Participants are required to obtain medical clearance
to participate in the program and a form for this is included in the enrollment
How can YWCA Encore help?
Utilising both land and water based exercises, YWCA
Encore improves overall fitness, as well as managing the side effects of breast
cancer treatment including pain, fatigue, loss of mobility and loss of
strength. The program can be tailored to
each individual, accommodating all fitness levels.
The program will:
Ø Improve mobility and flexibility in the upper body
Ø Improve general fitness, health and well-being
Ø Boost body image and self-esteem
Ø Help to relieve stress and tension
Ø Help to restore a sense of control
Ø Relieve discomfort associated with surgery and treatment
Ø Reduce the potential risk of lymphoedema
Ø Assist in the management of lymphoedema
If you have any questions about the program or require
additional brochures, please contact the office Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
9.30am – 3.30pm on 9440 3501. Further information is also available at www.ywcaencore.org.au.
Yours sincerely,
Robyn Mickle