I’m back



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Great news @TripleTea - now just rest up & recover from the surgery.   All the best for your ongoing treatment xxx

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I'm so happy for you @TripleTea. So weird to go into chemo feeling pleased!! I really like my new oncologist, a much better fit. I hope yours is too. Once more into the breach lovely! Big hug, K xox
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    That must be such a relief @TripleTea and hoping your new Onc is like your surgeon as sounds like you have a good one there.  Here's to a speedy recovery for you.  xo
  • Michele B
    Michele B Member Posts: 136
    Awesome news @TripleTea! You have got this! It us weird what we are grateful.for these dayz, but i see this as a win! Best of luck xxx
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    @TripleTea. What a fuckin relief for you love. Fingers crossed the chemo is manageable for you. Please keep us posted on what your plan of attack is so we can support you all the way. Hang in there love. You’ve got this. Go buy those big ugly bonds cottontail knickers and whack them on. Biggest hugs. Margie. Xx
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    That is such a relief. I too had a local recurrence of triple neg (bitch) mine was 8 years ago. I was so elated at scan results I was more accepting of the chemo. Big hugs to you as you move on with your treatment. It’s a bitch, but you’ve got this. 
    Hugs again. Paula xxx
  • TripleTea
    TripleTea Member Posts: 59
    Thanks ladies. Yes definitely a huge relief and it’s good to hear other good news stories of recurrence @mum2jj and @Goodhealthagain
    I said to the surgeon yesterday “so my prognosis is good” and she said “well we have to wait for the pathology on Wednesday” which worried me a bit but then she went on to say that will determine my chemo radio regime. It is funny how your mindset changes. Now that my scans are clear I feel like I can do this chemo again and am almost “keen” to do it just to make sure it gets any bastard cells left behind! 
  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    That’s such great news TripleTea.
    Rest and recover.
    Sending gentle hugs xoxo 
  • sallylovestosing
    sallylovestosing Member Posts: 31
    Just saw your post @TripleTea and hope youre doing well! I'm where you were about a month ago - 20mths post initial diagnosis of TN Inflammatory BC, 12mths treatment (chemo,mastectomy,rads, more chemo), all done last Christmas and feeling good, then bam! In June started getting some lymphoedema in my right (surgery side) arm and an ultrasound ("just to be sure - I don't expect to see anything" - my surgeon, bless him) showed three nasty looking lymph nodes which the radiologist says are most likely the same cancer - cunning, lurking swine. Just waiting for the core biopsy results now and like you terrified of having to go through the whole shit show again. Keeping my fingers crossed I can be quoting your last couple of posts soon :smiley:  
  • TripleTea
    TripleTea Member Posts: 59
    @sallylovestosing Im
    so sorry your are going through this too. I hope your biopsy results show that they are benign but if not just know that we CAN  do this again and put this bastard to bed once and for all.

    Like the first time it is better once you know it is contained to the lymph nodes and you have a plan in place.
    at this point however I’m still crossing my fingers your biopsy results are good.

    I had my first of 12 weekly chemo’s 2 days ago and the nausea is not good but no where near as bad as the dose dense FEC I had last time. This is manageable. The toxal pain will probably start tomorrow but I had that dose dense last time too so hopefully the weekly dose is nicer. 

    Keep us all posted, we are here for you and feel free to PM me anytime xxx
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    @TripleTea . Hey lovely how you managing ?  And can I ask you and @Goodhealthagain  and @sallylovestosing if any of you lovelies had lymph nodes involved with your initial diagnosis of TNBC? I had 8 removed and they were all clear along with my scans. I had 8 rounds of chemo.  4 AC and 4 paclitaxol. No rads as I had the mastectomy (then a prophylactic to the other side)  Just wondering if that’s ok to ask ? I finished chemo 3 years ago in October  My oncol says  less than 5% chance of any recurrence and even less after 3 years due to this but am curious And @sallylovestosing how’s things with you ?  Big hug Margie xx
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    I hope I haven’t upset or offended anyone with the above post xx. I, just trying to get my head around it and am in awe of those who have been through the shit storm again. I just hope I have half the strength you all have if that’s ever me xxx
  • sallylovestosing
    sallylovestosing Member Posts: 31
    Hi @onemargie and @TripleTea - sadly my news isn't great. have now had a PET scan and the cancer has spread to lymphnodes in the chest and neck. This means surgery is out - radiation too - field is too big. So started chemo (Eribulin, 2 weeks on, one week off - don't know much about this drug if anyone has any info/experience I am interested) yesterday, but the Onc wasn't very encouraging about my prognosis. My initial diagnosis was Triple Neg Inflammatory cancer, so I had 5 mths dose dense A/C(8wks) and taxol(12wks) prior to mastectomy. Inflammatory cancer is known to spread through the lymph system, but after mastectomy the three nodes they took were clear. Had 5 weeks radiation "to mop up any stragglers"(how my surgeon put it). And then 4 months Xeloda as an insurance policy - treatment went from Nov 2017 to end Dec 2018. And even with all that, heaps of exercise and a plant based diet, the f%$#&er still came back - it's an aggressive little blighter! Trying to get my head round this diagnosis - it's a lot to take in and you can only think about it a bit at a time. Concentrating mainly on what I can do to stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible so I can do as much nice stuff as possible with the ones I love!
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    edited August 2019
    @sallylovestosing. Thanks so much for your response and I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through treatment again. I had a different treatment plan to you so I’m wondering what the difference is between TNBC and inflammatory TNBC as that was never mentioned to me in my diagnosis. Is it the same thing ?  I didn’t have rads like I mentioned nor did I I have the xeloda ?   I wish you the very best with your treatment sounds like you’ve had some positivity from your oncol which is good please keep us posted and you’re right this disease can be a mother fucker that’s for sure. Biggest hugs. Margie xx