Im alone and dont want to burden others



  • LisaJHM
    LisaJHM Member Posts: 22
    Hi Megs04 - I've also been recently diagnosed - its such a shock and when you are on your own it can be very very tricky. I like you have had very dark thoughts - but they were mainly before I was diagnosed and something switched in me when I heard the news and in a voice that was calm and clear I said "I'm going to kick its ass". you realise how strong you are, how brave and capable you are when you reach out and ask for help. I have been stunned at friends who I haven't spoken to in years reach out and offer help. Waking up each morning on your own, yep, get it. Money worries, oh boy do I get it. I had a breast MR on Monday at $600 out of pocket with no way of paying for it. My cousin step in and paid it for me. I was stunned. I will pay her back in-kind when I am well. People generally don't offer unless they truly mean it, don't doubt that.
    I'm not sure which state you are in but I found a local breast cancer charity who is able to give me food and petrol voucher - this is a huge help. there may be one in your area. 

    I don't start treatment for 10 days and I am trying very, very hard to just take each as it comes. Hope you can too and am sending all the strength and positive vibes your way. 

  • Megs04
    Megs04 Member Posts: 47
    @LisaJHM hi. Thankyou so much for yiur kind words. I am hearing a similar situation and for me its really scary to be stressed abour money and work and bills and no one to talk to about it or work out a plan with. So many reasons why i feel so alone with this shit. I cant imagine how hard it must be for you only that i feel i have some idea that its tough financially and emotionally. Like you my headset changed it almost  snapped out if the depressive mode and lifted still with stress and worry and sadness so much saddness but to a now i have to live and fight this mode cause i have to. As whats the alternative?
    I am sorry rhat you have had to wait so long for surgery too. Amazing thst your cousin helped you. Some good people out there. Thanks for tip about charities ill look around. Take care for now
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Megs04 @LisaJHM When the BCNA is back in the new year, please give them a call. They will be able to sort you out with some financial advice I'm sure, pointing you in the direction of services that can help. K xox
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    Hi @Megs04...don't forget charities such as Vinnies. They can give you EAPA (electricity and power) vouchers, which would offset your gas and electricity. They also can issue vouchers for either Coles or Woolworths. The vouchers don't allow cigarettes, liquor, or photos to be paid by them, but otherwise can be used for food or toiletries. You would have to have a chat with one of their community workers, but they might be well worth the visit.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,805
    Hi ladies
    Here's a link from the BCNA website which has further links within that may give you some guidance