A quick Update

wendy55 Member Posts: 774
Hi ladies, first of all to each of you who sent birthday messages, thank you, 63, not out!!, however the last 12 days have been clouded by the fact my beautiful grandaughter was involved in a serious car accident on the 18th of October, no ones fault, it just happened, she was coming home from Adelaide and for those of you in SA on the Port Wakefield Road at Dublin, and for what ever reason probably inexperience she hit the gravel and them two trees, 60 seconds later a off duty first responder was travelling behind her and then of all things an ambulance just behind that with two paramedics!!, the rescue helicopter was called and she was taken to the Royal Adelaide Hospital because it has a trauma unit, she sustained facial lacerations and underwent three hours of plastic surgery, she is home now, however very battered and bruised, NO broken bones, I truly believe, and she does now, that someone was looking out for her,  even the police said the same thing, so as you can imagine things have been very topsy turvy, my partner and I had just left my oncologist after receiving the news of my latest scans results, we had just walked out the door when the phone rang,anyway long story short all is well, I still have an area in my chest wall and and belly as well as the liver and spine mets, but he is happy to leave things at the moment, next visit Nov.27th, then see where from there. 
So onwards and upwards, I have been logging in, just did not feel up to putting anything up - 


  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Oh I am so sorry to hear that Wendy. How horrible for your granddaughter. Such a fright for all of you. I hope she feels better very soon. Look after yourself. K xox
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Goodness! I agree wholeheartedly someone was looking out for your grand daughter!  
    Take care and sending you a virtual hug and glad to read your results were such that he is happy to leave things at the moment - good luck with your next appointment

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Your grand-daughter is so very lucky. Take care, Wendy.
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    Wow @wendy55 how lucky she wasn't more seriously injured . Someone lookin after her that's for sure , wishing her all the luck for a good recovery.
    So glad your results were good , hope it continues to be the case . xx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    OMG!  Thank goodness all those professionals were following behind your grand daughter!   I hope she has a full recovery. xx  

    All the best with your next round of appointments .... level pegging is good, methinks xxx
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @wendy55 am really sorry to hear the news regarding your grandaughter.  Hoping she makes a very speedy recovery.  All the best with your follow up appointment at the end of November.  Take care of you.