Nine years on.... Triple Negative

mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
Just by coincidence as it’s not something I dwell on, but last night whilst looking for something else I came across my diary that I kept when first diagnosed. Today is exactly nine years since my first diagnosis of Triple Negative Breast cancer. It was such a scary time. Yes, I did go on and have a little hiccup recurrence 18mths after that but still am so thrilled to be writing this 9 years after that awful day when my future was so uncertain. So to all you newbies out there, take heart.There is every chance that your story may have a happy ending.
 To all those whose news hasn’t been as good as mine, I really feel for you and hope you take comfort ffrom the support that is available in this great group. It is comforting to be a part of such a lovely supportive network.  I don’t spend as much time in the main forum as I’d like as as a group leader in our busy choosing breast reconstruction group, and a working mother the time is not always there. When I do pop in though it is so great to see the support that is given here. 
Hugs to all you beautiful souls. 
Paula xxx
