Had my surgery

tdonelly2000 Member Posts: 8
edited July 2018 in Newly diagnosed

Just an update ladies.What a nightmare nothings going right.Went Tuesday so they could find the nodes didnt have much success 4 hrs later did the best they could Had the hookwire put in once again had trouble finding it.Had my surgery doing well only i am so confused.Didnt take skin from my belly like i was told not even sure if he took the node just looks like hes removed the cancer and sewn me back up.Wont know what went on till i see him in the morning its very frustrating i cant see the sense in staying over night.


  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @tdonelly2000 sounds like a bit of a debacle. It’s always horrible waiting for results. Hope u r comfortable and pain free xo
  • steplightly
    steplightly Member Posts: 185
    Hi @tdonelly2000 such a challenging time for you and likely adding to anxiety and concerns Best place to be while you await results I hope you got some sleep overnight Thinking of you as you wait amidst all the uncertainty Maybe writing a list of questions about your experience if you are up to it  could clarify your concerns by getting them out of your head. Take care 
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Hopefully the surgeon has seen you early this morning and explained things and you are on the discharge list. Always better when you get home to your own bed. <3

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    @tdonelly2000  -  I hope you managed some sleep (impossible tho it is in hospitals!) and that you get some answers to your questions this morning.

    Make haste slowly & all the best for your results xxx
  • tdonelly2000
    tdonelly2000 Member Posts: 8
    Thankyou everyone.Didnt sleep much last night i am relatively pain free just very sore.Drs been in explained everything im on the waiting list to go home and back in 2 weeks for the results.Everything didnt go as planned but theres not much i can do except wait for results so we can make a plan from there.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    It will be so much clearer for you and everyone when you have your pathology results. Rest, heal, go for some walks, eat nourishing foods, and take one day at a time. What part of the country are you in? Hopefully it's not too cold and you can spend some time in nature. Many of us here find that very soothing! Hang in there. K xox