10 days to go til surgery
Hey everyone, had my lumpectomy on Wednesday, had to be at hospital at 6.45am got transported over to imaging for the node mapping and another cat scan. (Those needles in the breast weren't as bad as I was expecting thankfully. I was thinking they would hurt as much as the biopsy but I barely felt them. I'd already apologised to the technician in advance in case I started swearing!) Back to the hospital to sit around for another hour or so and then taken into pre op for prep. All the nurses were really nice and I told everyone I met about my intolerances to pain relief which I was assured wouldn't be a problem. Until this witch came barging up to me, interrupting the two nurses with me, and went through what I couldn't take and announced 'well I don't know what we're going to give you then'. I had no idea who she was and asked one of the nurses who the bossy one was and was told she was a surgeon and never introduces herself to anyone. She wasn't with my breast surgeon and his staff who were there and there was too much going on to get any info. So, I came out of anaesthetic without any pain relief whatsoever and was in incredible pain that took the nurses an hour to get under control because the witch hadn't authorised any drugs for me. They found another dr and got fetanyl and endone into me but I think I went into a bit of shock.
Sorry for the long post but the more I think about it the more p*ssed off I'm getting about the witch who's name I don't know ... yet.0 -
I cut off half my post - sorry.
The cancer was bigger than they expected and 3 nodes were taken for testing. I might get some results at my post op meeting next Thursday but will have to wait further for full results because the long weekend puts a spanner in things.
Came home on Thursday with instructions to just take paracetamol but it's hard to make it last the day. I have good movement in my arm and have been doing the exercises the physio gave me. I'd forgotten to expect the numb armpit and got a shock in the shower this morning - weirdest sensation0 -
Hi @arnlybub glad you finally got the pain under control - how hideous to wake up without pain relief! I can’t even imagine how bad that would be.
The numb armpit is so weird, right? The most bizarre bit is putting deodorant on and not being able to feel it! God knows what it’s going to be like shaving there!
Good luck with your results! Let us know how you go!
Hugs xxxx0 -
Sounds like you have it under control there, @arnlybub - except for the witch! What a old cow!! As if it wasn't stressful enough without her adding to it! Good that you have the pain under control - take as many of the paracetamol as you are allowed in the 24hrs (with food would be good, I think - don't want an upset tummy!)
Yes, the numb armpit is weird - mine is still numb, nearly 6 months later!
All the best with your results - fingers crossed that it hasn't gone to the Lymph nodes .... maybe use your phone to record your meeting re the results (and any other meeting) .... so you can go back over it later if you need. It is very difficult for everything to sink in otherwise. Do you have a buddy who can go with you, as an extra set of ears? My sister in law came with me to all my meetings, before surgery & after when I was in Sydney.
Take care - we'll be thinking of you next Thurs!! xx0 -
I still have that numb armpit 5 yrs down the track and no hair grew back under that arm either so I only have to shave under my right arm, which is probably lucky as there isn't any feeling .0
I'm glad that needle wasn't too bad for you. It was excruciating for me! I love how we're all so different.
I don't love that you had a rude insensitive doctor. It's extraordinary how they think it's OK to behave like that. If you find out her name will you lodge a complaint?
It's such a long day, I hope you're able to get some comfortable rest now. Waiting for results is not fun and when they're delayed by public holidays it's worse. I had a lot of problems being diagnosed in December... You have my sympathy! Take care, K xox0 -
The fact that she was rude was unpleasant and did nothing to help your anxiety. The fact that she prevented you having any pain relief was unprofessional. Unfortunately, she needs to be reported but it's understandable if you don't have the energy to face it. I'm sure that's how she's managed to keep doing it, though.
I hope you manage with the pain relief you've got over the long weekend. Do the exercises, take things easy, and try not to think about the results until they come.1 -
Is it strange that I'm not really concerned about the results yet? I honestly haven't been thinking about it at the moment, just been focusing on recovery from the op and noticing what improves each day and the colours of my bruising changing. Maybe I'm just worrying about the small stuff so I don't have to think about the big stuff.
Those Zonta pillows have been an absolute godsend! I had one night really struggling to sleep in the ugly bra, it feels like I'm being strangled. I've always been one to remove my bra as soon as I walk in the door and wearing one 24/7 feels like my freedom has goneThough mind you, I'm happy enough to put one on again after showering.
@arpie one of my sister's has been coming with me to all the appointments and taking notes which has been fantastic. She was with me most of the time at the hospital on Thursday and was there when one of the (good) surgeons came to remove the dressing and discharge me which is when I found out the 3 nodes had been taken.
I'm not sure if anyone else has this but it might to good to see if your region has it, my McGrath nurse put in a referral with the local bc group who organised cleaning and gardening services to come fortnightly for the length of whatever treatment I'm on and it doesn't cost me anything. Hopefully that sort of service is available to others because it's a fabulous resource which makes life just that much easier knowing I don't have to wield the vacuum and deal with the shower.
@ sister, @kmakm, I think I will investigate making a complaint about 'the witch', one of the nurses I met knows one of my sister's so I should be able to get a name ..... no wonder she didn't introduce herself if she behaves like that. I keep thinking what if that happened to an elderly person who was too scared to say anything???
I've been spoiled rotten with flowers, presents and meals delivered so I'm not doing too bad at all, I kinda feel a bit like a fraud with everyone doing everything for me. It's usually the other way around and I am having a bit of a struggle with letting go of control and letting people do stuff for me.
Hope everyone is doing ok and thanks for putting up with my rambling..
Onwards and upwards xx2 -
Not rambling at all @arnlybub! Coherent and informative. You let it all hang out here darl; many of us do and it does us good.
I struggled with that feeling like a fraud thing too. Flip it in your head: if it was your friend going through this, you'd want to help them as much as you can, I imagine. Letting people help you can be challenging for independent people who are used to being happily in control of their lives. It does get easier (especially if you have treatments which make you very farigued and/or unwell) but by the time you're used to it, it's the end of active treatment!
Enjoy your weekend. K xox0 -
The witch definitely needs reporting .... she should have made it her ‘challenge’ to get your pain control sorted, not just throw her hands up in horror and ignore it. Totally unprofessional.
all my tests were between early Dec and Jan 5 when I got the actual diagnosis ... well spread out over the holiday period .... so know how the ‘wait’ feels.
How fantastic that your McGrath nurse was able to put those services into play ..... it is probably tied in to that organisation ..... we have ‘rural’ breast care nurses not affiliated to McGrath. They would probably have taken one look at our place and not come back! LOL
However, the social worker at port Macquarie WAS able to secure a one off payment towards one of our utility bills (power, council rates, water etc) that came due during my treatment. We had just received yet another bill for my pathology of all things ... $500 worth hadnt been covered by Medicare or nib .... adding it to the other $5000 ‘out of pocket expenses’ ... so that $400 payment almost nullified that, for which I am very grateful. I still haven’t received the anaesthetist’s bill either, nearly 6 months later!
That is terrific that your sister is there to support you. It really helps. Glad the pillow is helping too .... I originally had it for shoulder surgery, so used it after my op too.
If you had the Sentinel Node test ... they usually take out at least 3 nodes. I thought it would only be one Node, so was surprised they took 3. The more the better, really, it gives a more accurate picture of any spread.
Yep, let your buddies and family help in any way they can whilst it lasts .... win win on both sides!
Thinking of you for good results on Thurs. The wait is a pain ... chances are the Her2 results won’t be back yet, they take a little longer. xxx0 -
@arnlybub I SO hear you!
I’ve put so many people off-side because I simply don’t need the meals cooked etc - as far as my travels down this path are concerned, I’m happiest when my life is as normal as possible, which means that I’m going to work every day and my family is self-sufficient with the shopping and cooking.
I have definitely asked for help when I’ve needed it though - for example when I landed up in hospital for a couple of days with a fever while on chemo, and I needed to organise lifts for my 12 year old.
So reach out and enjoy being spoilt for a bit, but if you are feeling well and it helps you to be in control of your household, then by all means do whatever you feel comfortable doing. Don’t push it! Have your pyjama days when you need them and definitely don’t feel like a fraud. Every single man or woman who travels this path, no matter how easy or difficult the journey, is courageous and is doing whatever they can to get through it in their own way.
Enjoy the rest of the long weekend! Xxxxx