Quality of Life or Quantity they asked me?



  • BlackWidow
    BlackWidow Member Posts: 272
    This is a difficult question and the answer may be different depending on many things. Personally (I am near your age) I would opt for the lesser treatments (if any) as I am alone in this world with no supports. For family members to watch someone suffering is often as bad as going through it. Making a list and then popping it aside for a while is the best thing to do. Talk to family, talk to medicos then make your own decision for YOU. As long as you never regret your decision it is the right one. @Dawnc please let us know how you get on.  Anne
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,805
    @Dawnc hope you're doing okay!  I would've thought a question like that over the phone could've been delivered in a way to suggest please put some thought into this as it's not an easy topic and then when you come in for your appointment and discussion you may have questions which will help you determine what is the best option.  
    Cold over the phone seems callous but then again this modern world!  
    I sat on a train yesterday observing people playing games on their smart phones.  I thought what happened to being in the now and looking about, enjoying the scenery as we whizz pass and actually smiling at a fellow passenger - I must be getting old and cranky as I just don't get it!  Oh well!
    Anyhow I do hope your appointment goes well
    Take care
  • magicmum
    magicmum Member Posts: 285
    I have asked myself this question many times should I have a recurrence. I haven't answered it yet.
    As I had minor side effects only from chemo/rads/adjuvant therapies I would pron choose to treat as I now have 4 grandchildren, and so much to want to live on for. 
    It's an almost impossible question - I think docs are sometimes being practical/unobservant, thoughtless even when they ask things cos they are asking them so many times to so many people.  Not that they don't care, they prob just have to keep a professional distance in their minds else they'd go mad.
    I think your plan sounds good - I love making lists, it helps when things are laid out in front of you and you can really make an informed choice that is all yours.
    I wish you well, I wish you many more years feeling well. And joy and happiness with whatever you decide is right for you.
  • Dawnc
    Dawnc Member Posts: 31
    @magicmum, @iserbrown, @BlackWidow, @kmakm, @Sister, @steplightly, @Zoffiel, @Mira, @MoiraC, @poodlejules, @primek, @Irb_03, @PatsyN, @Brenda5 Thank you all for your lovely comments & advice I am blown away by friendlyness here on this site.
    To say my day at PA hospital with my daughter yesterday was "scary" is an understatement but here goes. Treatment cycle is repeated every 21 days as follows; Day 1 Paclitaxel by drip into vein 3.5 hours with Trastuzumab. Day 8 & day 15 Paclitaxel by a drip into vein about 1.5 hours. This cycle to be repeated by 4 cycles.
    Radiation then for 4 weeks once daily (week days only)  With this I will continue to receive Trastuzumab by drip into vein once every 21 days for a further 13 cycles a total of twelve months (If I survive!)
    My daughter & I were there from 10am to 5pm went to 3 appointments and drove home in a daze trying to take it all in. I had a cry was so tired & rung out had two pieces of toast with tomato sauce on then got on with reading info till 11pm.
    Fell into bed slept till 5am But didnt get up till 7.30am
    Showered, eggs for brekky then started ringing Electricity, Internet server, went to Post office. rang removalist organised my move for 7th June, rang my brother in ACT, my sister in ACT, my twin sister here in Brisbane told them the news and packed all day.
    Scared, in a daze but getting on with LIFE not bloody going to look back ever, looking forward to the next 5 to 10 years & more weddings. Whats the alternative I say, lay down & die, HELL NO!
    So ladies I no doubt will be on here in all forms of dissaray, sick, sorry, tired & a mess but here I will be till the finish line has been reached. Love to all my sisters here! PS having a Port put in sometime in next two weeks and it all starts in two weeks.
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Dawnc sounds like u r in for the long haul. Feel free to come here and laugh, cry or whinge. We have all done it and it has been a lifesaver for all of us. Big hugs xoxoxo
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Dawn do you have to travel for treatment?
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Well Dawn it sounds like you are very comfortable with your decision and I'm so pleased for you. Your determination sounds vigorous, I love it! Highly admirable.

    I can assure you that I have been here in disarray, sick, sorry, tired & a mess, and I'm not sure I won't be again!

    And you're absolutely right, there's no point looking back, that's gone and nothing can change it. Point your nose towards where you're going, and keep going! Good luck with all your organising and let us know how you get on. K xox
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Hi Dawn,  It's so bloody hard, isn't it?  We've all had our moments (hours, days...) But there's too much living to do to let it stop you.  The port, while not fun, will definitely make treatment more tolerable.  It sounds like you're moving house for the duration - hope it's somewhere nice and supportive.  Take care.
  • MoiraC
    MoiraC Member Posts: 173
    Hi @Dawnc - what a lot to take in all at once. Sounds very intensive. I hope all goes well for you in getting settled and being in a good space to got through treatment. Your positive attitude will definitely help I am sure. Take care and go easy one step at a time - very best wishes
  • Dawnc
    Dawnc Member Posts: 31
    @primek yes I will be going by ambulance my Dr has told me she can organise any trips, I only have to give her the innitial beginning date of first cycle & I can ring her & give further details for ongoing instead of having to go see her all the time for this lengthy continuation of treatment. I am very grateful for this & all free!
  • Dawnc
    Dawnc Member Posts: 31
    @Sister I will be moving in with one of my two daughters so will have lots of hugs, cuddles & support even though she works fulltime she has been told any time she needs off just ask which is great. My other daughter on Gold Coast has been transporting me to all my appointments to hospital which is also wonderful. She is not employed but is a potter and a very socially busy lass but has dropped everything to assist me. I am very blessed. I will just live one day at a time but working towards health & independence later in future.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    What wonderful kids you have @dawnc They must make you feel very proud.  Good luck with it and keep us posted.
  • Dawnc
    Dawnc Member Posts: 31
    Will do @Sister & yes they are the best I am blessed.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    While there's definitely something to be said for nature I suspect that you have had a lot to do with how your kids have turned out @Dawnc
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    My dad after suffering chemo last year with out a port, has in a last month gotten a port put in for more chemo. He says its just the best thing out so look forward to getting that one in. I never got a port as my chemo was only 3 months worth and it wasn't worth it for me.