Well being



  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @zoffiel I noticed you haven't been commenting much.  I can guess a bit at what you're feeling but obviously I'm not walking in your shoes as I'm "in the thick of treatment".  From the outside I never guessed what a devouring monster this disease is.  I'm not a big hugger but a virtual Bundy or whatever is your tipple of choice coming your way.  And do what you need to for your own well-being - we'll still be here whenever you want us.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Zoffiel I think like most things in life, there's a time for them. And I think coming and going depending on one's mood and frame of mind, is perfectly normal. Some days the raw pain is too much for me. And this week I haven't wanted to be here as much; doing a lot of processing.

    However I want to say I've never perceived you as hanging round on the edges. I really value the perspective of the old hands, as much as those who are just ahead, or progressing with you. And your salty voice is an absolute treasure.

    You do what feels right for you. K xox
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806

    I think your thought process at present is totally understandable. It's a roller coaster that most struggle to find a stop where you can alight and be free.

    We find ourselves caring for others on here in a virtual sense whilst our own frailties aren't far from the surface.

    @primek likened our situation to PTSD and I'd imagine for you on the second run of the cancer bus that's perhaps where you are at not that I really know for sure but it's a theory to chew over.

    Your advice and care is appreciated by most. It's time to wallow for awhile and hopefully you'll be able to dust yourself down and return feeling refreshed. 

    I would've suggested a soak in your outdoor bath but the arctic blast that has arrived has squashed that idea.

    Take care and take time for thyself and be proud of the victories thus far.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    @iserbrown. I'm not on the second round of the cancer bus just to clarify to others this was responding to @Zoffiel and her 2 unfortunate experiences of it. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    No I meant Zoffiel on the second run. Sorry! 

    But as you said previously we are showing signs of PTSD regardless

    Take care 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Yeah I got it @iserbrown but was just clarifying for others as it took me 2 reads.  teh heh. 
  • Kattykit
    Kattykit Member Posts: 252
    @Zoffiel I  know exactly how you feel, I  too am on the second time around, but I  only got 4 yrs before it raised its  ugly head again, I  feel like I  am in limbo, not sick enough to look sick, but struggling through most days, and not much support for the same reason, my family were all supportive at the start, but when I  didn't  die like everyone is taught to believe will happen, it's  just business as usual.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    @Kattykit blessed and cursed at the same time. Yep.