New Year new challenge

JaniceNov2017 Member Posts: 4
This is my first post. I hope to connect with other women on this unexpected journey. Like others, I had an overseas holiday booked for May of this year with my husband but have had to cancel due to being diagnosed with BC before Christmas. Life has been turned upside down. Surgery is on 23rd January with chemo, radiotherapy and hormone treatment after that. I have good supportive friends but none who have breast cancer so in a way I feel like I'm alone going through this. I have a positive attitude but also have a fear of the unknown.


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Welcome. We'd all prefer not to be here but as we can't change the circumstances, we all try to make this a place where you can ask questions, share information and let off steam about anything. I am five years on from diagnosis, and so far cancer free, so think positive. There are many others going through treatment now who will be happy to share their experiences. I was diagnosed just after a long overseas holiday and, as I am an older woman, I remember thinking at best there will be no more travel for me. Not true - been travelling a lot. So look at this as just an unfortunate delay. Best wishes for surgery. 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited January 2018
    Welcome to the site. The beginning is overwhelming but there is support out there and here. I've included some useful links for you.

    Have you ordered your my journey kit yet?

    Have you been connected with a breast care nurse?

    Do you know about cancer counselling services?

    Kath x
  • Mollygirl
    Mollygirl Member Posts: 213
    Welcome @JaniceNov2017, things will be really overwhelming right now but we have all been there and come out the other side. Albeit there is a little less of me than when I started (LOL- inappropriate joke post mastectomies!). 
    All the very best for your surgery this month. That's the first step. Try not to look to far ahead- it can be mind boggling. We are here to help and support you. Massive hugs, Bec xx
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Welcome @JaniceNov2017 - I've just done with surgery and have the other treatments to come
     Not what I expected to be doing over summer holidays, either. 
    Lots of support and advice here.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Welcome Janice, if you have questions just ask or try the search feature for past posts. Yes, May you would be too tired after surgery and treatment to really enjoy a trip anyway but you could book it up later as a nice reward for hanging in there and getting to the finish line of treatment. <3
  • Hello5678
    Hello5678 Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2018
    Hi @JaniceNov2017 it’s such a shock and whirlwind isn’t it and the timing sucks. I was diagnosed with BC in late Nov 2017 and 2 weeks later had a mastectomy, lymph nodes removed and immediate reconstruction. I managed to go interstate for Christmas holidays but overseas would have been too much. I’ve got the same treatment plan as you Chemo (just started), then Radiation then Hormones. I’m 43 and have no family history of BC so it came out of the blue. Check out the discussion threads online and or feel free to ask questions about my experience so far. We’re all in this together. 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hey there @JaniceNov2017 we have all been where you are now. It does feel better once you get started and you can come out the other side for sure. Try not to google anything it messes with your head too much. We are all here for you. Margie x 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Hi Janine. Just keep plodding through it. Yes, it's frightening and confronting and disappointing and isolating and terribly, terribly time consuming, but there are no short cuts. You'll learn the language and find your own crazy rhythm. There is always someone here if you need to ask questions or have a bit of a vent. Good luck. Marg xx
  • Hendrix
    Hendrix Member Posts: 324
    @JaniceNov2017 Welcome! Your in good hands the ladies here are amazing. Nellie xx
  • JaniceNov2017
    JaniceNov2017 Member Posts: 4

    onemargie said:

    Hey there @JaniceNov2017 we have all been where you are now. It does feel better once you get started and you 
    Thank you onemargie and everyone else who replied to my first post. I am so grateful for your comments and support. My surgery is next week (2 months after diagnosis). The wait has been endless but I'm nearly there and just want to get on with it. 
  • JaniceNov2017
    JaniceNov2017 Member Posts: 4
    I think I'm still getting used to using this online network but am glad I'm now involved and part of it along with others going through BC although at different stages. It does help, thank you.