Diagnosed with DCIS I have implants



  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    Oh it sounds like you're in total disbelief and need some help in determining that what the medical team is offering is doable.  

    Not sure what State you are from but the phone number for the Cancer council is Australia wide, link

    and then there is BCNA


    https://www.bcna.org.au/understanding-breast-cancer/treatment/breast-reconstruction/ - this link will give you a better understanding of Expanders
  • Caseypinto
    Caseypinto Member Posts: 258
    Lisa Janelle, such big news for you, so many decisions- as the girls have said who knows how much time you would have left if you did nothing, but my philosophy going through this was.... a lot of people have died from breast cancer but I have yet to hear someone dying from a double mastectomy- I still have expanders in (2nd time) - they are fine... yes they're uncomfortable but I know they'll be out soon and I'll be feeling 'normal' again.  You have the right to do whatever you want, as @melclarity said - please talk to someone, your breast nurse, counsellor, friend, partner.  There is a light at the end of this hideous tunnel.  X
  • Lisa Janelle
    Lisa Janelle Member Posts: 45
    They said if I had mastectomy I wouldn’t have radiation. Now I am confused as I thought that meant they were cutting it all out. If they weren’t why would I need radiation. 
  • Caseypinto
    Caseypinto Member Posts: 258
    That's one of the reasons I chose mastectomy - no radiation. again, it's up to your team of carers to decide whether you need radiation or not, to me that is a great sign that you won't need it. X
  • Lisa Janelle
    Lisa Janelle Member Posts: 45
    I don’t get why I would not have an mri or ultra sound before they take off my boob. Seems so extreme. 
  • Caseypinto
    Caseypinto Member Posts: 258
    Once they know that it's multi focal, that's it, they can't do a lumpectomy because it's too wide spread and they couldn't be sure to get every single stray cell. You could ask for MRI - which costs a fortune by the way but they already know it's DCIS and multi focal - and sometimes micro calcification doesn't even show on ultra sound  so probably no point
     I know mastectomy does sound extreme - I remember first hearing that word from my surgeon and cringing .... I couldn't even say it... I called it the ''M" ... now it's my normal - it saved my life and I will never regret my decision.  I also recently had shoulder surgery and two knee surgeries so like you, am totally over surgeries but I know it's giving me quality of life with my beautiful daughter and husband.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    @lisajanelle our brains are funny things. We get taught about 'fight or flight' but there isn't much mention of 'put your head under the covers' If your instinct is to do one thing--run like hell--but the advice you are getting says something else--agree to let someone cut your boob off--its normal to be conflicted. Which can lead you to considering throwing the whole mess onto the floor and walking away.

    This may not be helpful at the moment but, for me, making decisions (or accepting the ones that had been made for me) was the worst part of the process. I've done this twice now so I know how utterly shitful it feels to be backed into a corner.

    Yes, you can walk away and let nature take its course. It is your life, and your decision how much effort you want to put into survival. Anyone who pats you on the head and tells you that everything will work out probably hasn't been where you are now, but sometimes it helps to step back and think what advice your 'old' self would have given a friend in your current situation. These are grim times, just keep plodding along. Marg x
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited December 2017
    The expanders stretch the muscle. They can expand quite quickly then do changeover. The changeover surgery is quite simple. Planning it at the beginning gives best cosmetic result.

    What will happen if you do nothing? It will become invasive and it could come through your skin and metasteses throughout your body. We all get the fear.

    Nobody wants a mastectomy. 
    We all miss our breasts.
    But you do adjust. You are stronger than you think.
    Your life is worth more than keeping a diseased breast. 
    You will be comfortable in your own skin again. 

    And you can get a second opinion. 

    Kath x
  • Lisa Janelle
    Lisa Janelle Member Posts: 45
    Thank you to all u ladies. I am so scared I just don’t think I have the strength and I am ok with that.