I'm Done!!

Fiona2 Member Posts: 69
Good Evening Ladies!
Just sitting here, typing away on what is to be the night before my last Herceptin treatment tomorrow and marvelling at the fact that I have finally reached what  seemed to be an unattainable horizon 15 months ago.  And my god, what a long haul it's been...4 cycles of FEC, 12 weeks of Taxol/Herceptin/Perjeta, surgery, 6 weeks of radiotherapy and then ongoing herceptin for a year in total.  Not forgetting of course the side effects, the hair loss, the hair back again but completely different.  And of course, just carrying on and dealing with what ever else life throws at you throughout all of this.  I stopped work initially so had no income for the first three months.  This was really inconvenient (understatement) as I was in the middle of a house renovation and the bills kept on coming.  My elderly father (age 94) passed away when I was in the middle of radiotherapy.  It was a peaceful passing and, he lived a long and full life, but it was still a shock and meant that my weeks prior were spent travelling between the three hospitals of where I worked, where he was and where I was getting my treatment.  And through it all, the funeral, the house clean up, the grieving, I had to keep on attending my daily radiotherapy.  The son is in VCE (second exam tomorrow) so that has been another thing to deal with but he seems to be going ok. So, older yes, wiser definitely and stronger, you'd better believe it.  If the tsunami of the last year didn't knock me down (well actually it totally did at the start..and during..and a bit more recently.. but with a lot of help and support I found a way to get back up again) I don't think there could be much to fear from what else the future might throw up.
So goodbye treatment and looking forward to the next chapter.
Much love and my very warmest regards to you all and best wishes for your futures.
Fiona xx



  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    Wow Fiona, you've been through the wringer and now out the other side. Congratulations on finishing treatment. It sure is a long process. I wish you all the very best for a happy and long life.
  • Specialneedsmum
    Specialneedsmum Member Posts: 5
    Well Done Fiona, Someone should send you flowers!  I don't think anyone really appreciates how it feels to come to the end of treatment.  It's just a wave of relief.  Prepare for the feeling that 'it' doesn't really go away. Chemo and radio takes a toll on you, and some of the 'soldiers' who fought the battle with you (I mean your feet, your skin, your fingertips, the scars, your teeth, and dang it, even my eyesight and hearing has been affected) will be that constant reminder. Yep, we've all got a whole lot of life that coincides with treatment, and the world doesn't stop turning, funerals, birthdays, Christmas, graduations, concerts, they all continue.  Just be kind to yourself.  I felt, 'yep, it's over, let's pick up where I left off" but the fatigue lingers. The residual discomfort hangs on.  That said, on busy days, you might actually forget about everything.  It's fabulous when that happens.  We've just had 5 days of madness, with my daughter's award's night, a scout camp for my little one, then a huge travel day for my daughter's physio, followed by halloween, then a choir event... today was the first day in a week when I planned to work, and I just sat down, unable to do a thing.  Not surprising really, but not the previous me. Yes, good riddance to treatment, you did what you had to do.  I'm glad you acknowledged those moments when things did crumble, but wow, don't you feel you could do anything now! 
    Lots of healing thoughts to you all. 
  • HIT
    HIT Member Posts: 261
    Yay to you Fiona.  Hope you are not like me, had the last date, took in the cake and little pressies for the nurses (man, they deserve it), the last dose ... and then the guy from the chemist came up and told me  I had one more to go!!!  I thought my onc was too scared to come himself, but he rang me after.  Oh well, all good, had two celebrations!!   I had similar treatment with surgery 4 AC 4 Docs & hercepton, radio and then the last 12 months of hercepton.  Hope this is not a bad question, but how much difference does the Perjeta have on the reoccurrence rate?
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Thanks Fiona. It always makes me smile to read a post like this. Greeting people who have just been thrown in the mincer is an all to common experience, it's great to hear someone has come out the other end, maybe a bit cooked and reshaped, but still whole in their heart. Good luck for the future. Marg xxx
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Wow they say you never get thrown at you more than you can handle but bloody hell you’ve been steam rolled haven’t you love
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    For some reason half my post didn’t come up! So continuing on from above 

     but you’ve been able to pick yourself up brush yourself off kick breast cancer in the balls and now you are ready to get on with your life. It’s amzing where we find the strength when we need it hey. Well done love. Drinkypoo for you tonight to celebrate for sure. Margie ❤️
  • Fiona2
    Fiona2 Member Posts: 69
    Thanks so much Ladies for all of your encouragement and kind thoughts.  Must admit to feeling a bit overwhelmed today..elated, emotional, tearful and just generally deranged.  But mostly good!!  Yes, body and soul have been through the wringer but I've discovered myself to now be a far more emotionally expressive person and you know what, I sort of like it.  And I hug people all of the time and was never like this before.  The hugs back are very nice and I think definitely helped to get me through.  
    To HIT, my oncologist was keen for me to have Perjeta.  It had to be paid for privately and with my loss of job etc, I didn't have the money so my amazing sister offered to foot the bill (around $10,000). Incredible!  He says it makes a difference in some cases (around 20%) but can't predict which ones.  However, my pathology results post surgery were very good (complete pathological response in tumour and nodes) and he thought it may well have been the Perjeta that achieved this though I also give some credit to the exercise I did throughout chemo, particularly on treatment days.
    Off for a bit of a jog now before my last Herceptin.
    Bring on City 2Sea.
    Will stay in touch. xx
  • lgray3911
    lgray3911 Member Posts: 207
    Woooooooohhhhhhhhhoooo!! You did it well done!! Fuck you cancer!!
  • Fiona2
    Fiona2 Member Posts: 69
    Hey lgray, I've gotta say that you are something of an inspiration to me and your motto of FU Cancer has now also become mine.. so FU Cancer :p
  • Salpal
    Salpal Member Posts: 43
    As someone beginning their journey reading this post has given me an insight of what to expect and how to come out the other side stronger and wiser. Thank you and keep smiling x
  • Fiona2
    Fiona2 Member Posts: 69
    Best wishes to you Salpal as you face your current challenges.  And they did seem huge and bleak from that side of the mountain but don't lose sight of there being another side and you will come out and stand on it one day, believe me. x
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    The finish line is here. Now to reclaim your life. Well done. X
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Congratulations @Fiona2 before you know it you will be at your 2nd then 3rd year anniversary....
    Glad to hear how you see how strong you truly are....
  • Fiona2
    Fiona2 Member Posts: 69
    thanks SoldierCrab and Primek.  It is a fantastic sense of freedom, achievement and relief to be at this huge milestone.  Onwards now with life..
  • Coolnanna
    Coolnanna Member Posts: 1
    Wonderful to read your story. Mine is almost exactly the same, except I am 77 years old so my retired life is easier than someone still working. I have 2 more Herceptin to go, finish date 5th December. Looking back you can't help but wonder where the last year has gone, as it was not a lot of fun. I wonder if anyone else has pins and kneedles constantly in the fingers on the side of the mastectomy.