Anxiety through the roof



  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    @melclarity after 3 days on them did you have nausea or vomiting? I didn't get that, just anxiety. Also, did you have the same dose as me? Ta. xx
  • au0rei
    au0rei Member Posts: 252
    @LisaO, I totally relate to the anxiety. Can I share this with you?

    Look for Dr Caroline Leaf on Youtube. She helped me a lot.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @viking1 Yes I was on 4mg Dexamethasone twice daily, I still have the bottle, it also says on the label as the pharmacist told me not to take them more than 3 days. I didnt have nausea or vomiting from steroids, I did have the anxiety big time though. Everyone is different and so are Oncologists, that's why I asked was curious as to 7 days, hadn't heard of it before. I know when I had FEC I was a good 10 days really crap but then turned the corner for a week before the next infusion. I'd talk to your Oncologist try and work it out. Yes I wanted to be knocked out for 4.5 months!!! its a shocker! x
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    Many thanks! I actually looked up the side effects of it and agitation and anxiety are two.  Maybe they thought I was kidding when I said I have Very Bad Anxiety prior to treatment!
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @viking1 I tell you what else sent me into shakes and like out of body experience was Maxolon LOL, Head Nurse in Oncology said that was an allergy to it, so I couldn't take it. I think the Steroid would make it worse, but sounds like maybe the chemo itself caused alot of problems? 
  • Mrs_H
    Mrs_H Member Posts: 107
    I was prescribed Dex for the 6 days after the AC infusion due to nausea causing me to not eat and drink and therefore became dehydrated. Had to learn the hard way that drinking water on Chemo is super important. Each time I came off the Dex I was always surprised by how mentally crap I felt. Every other week I was crying and swearing I wasn't doing this sh*t anymore. By the time I was due for the next infusion I started to feel normal again. Certainly no one had warned me about the mood swings due to the drugs for the side effects.
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    Geez you think Maxolon would be okay! Lol I have an unopened bottle in fridge ...was getting bad heartburn in the first week and just chewing what I had avail. Chemist talked me into Maxolon instead.  I'm not sure re chemo as the prob as with weird side effects like fluttery heart, stomach pain, heartburn, hiccups!, rash on chest, sore throat, mouth red spots and fur, weak arms, shallow breathing and joint/back pain plus low temps of approx 35-36 - all appeared 5 mins after steroids taken and lasted about 2 hours. Joint pain went on longer.  I didn't ask the nurse this but was wondering if I will be feeling fine like I am now after the first nasty week throughout the entire 18 week treatment. Or does the chemo accumulate or whatever and you feel progressively worse before it's over?
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @viking1 hmmm what you describe sounds more like the Chemo than the Steroids as in side effects and your reaction? just a thought. For me mine got progressively worse, but that's not true for everyone, trick is to communicate with your Team every little thing and they can tweak meds and help make you more comfortable, so overshare LOL. ;) 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I took dex for 4 days with reducing dose for nausea stemitil for constant queasiness and room spinning ondasetron before meals. Lol. It worked. Heartburn...nexium twice daily. Constipation  ...movichol. it took trial and error but all good by cycle 4. 
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    Yes, @viking1I had all those side effects for about 10 days after chemo. Thought I was going crazy with the heart thing, though I think it was the Dex caused the strong pounding. I also shook all over constantly for the first week on FEC, Docetaxel didn't have that effect. 
    The shoulder, jaw and neck pains were weird and seemed to move around.
    I found my symptoms got better or less intense with each dose, or perhaps I was managing them a little better.
    The only one that didn't get better was the leaden heavy fluid retaining legs on Docetaxol, that built up with each dose. Okay now though, 8 weeks after last dose.

    My Oncologist said I could increase the Dex from 3 days to four if I needed to for nausea control as Maxalon did very little. I decided not to though as I didn't like the Dex side effects.
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    That sounds hopeful re getting better progressively and not worse!  I'm interested that some chemo oncs are changing the doses of the dex as I had the full 5 days. Maybe they will do that for me! I am preparing my list of side effects for my Thursday meeting! xxx
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    @au0rei perhaps you would like to join the Christians Diagnosed with Breast Cancer group