Help I'm desperate



  • srichard
    srichard Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    I can be quite radical and play devils advocate which earned me a ban in other forum for not beign politically correct. I still look after my wife like if it was her first days struggling with an extremely painful form of cancer and I am proud to have gone through it all with my wife.  I looked after her  and still looking after becasue she is weak . Never mind mate the world wasn't bult in one day let alone by a single sex. It takes two to tango a cancer is cancer there is not a generic defintion of a cancer but just a name reference point of origin for statistics purposes but it does not change anything in essence  for sufferers. Does it?

    Much like my wife she would have ended a statistical figure regardless of the clasiifcations she was schedule to die in 2009