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Oncotype DX test

Hi Everyone,
I've noticed a few posts asking about the Oncotype DX test and I just wanted to add my experience on this for anyone who is thinking of getting this test done.
I was diagnosed with early breast cancer in January this year. I had a lumpectomy and the tumour was 15mm, grade 2, hormone +, Her2 negative, with clear margins and no cancer in the lymph nodes. Because of the size and grade of my tumour, my treatment team advised that I may benefit from chemo, however it was up to me if I wished to have it. Well this is a horrible decision to have to make on your own. I am in awe of all the brave women and men out there who successfully go through chemo every day, however I watched my mum go through chemo two years ago and I didn't want to have it if it wasn't going to be any benefit to me. So, I decided to get the Oncotype DX test done to help me with my decision.
My surgeon organised to send the tumour off to the US where the test is done. It is very expensive (around $4000), but I was fortunate enough to get a free trial of the test through my hospital, however I would have paid for it if I had to. I had to delay my treatment until I got the results back, which took 4 weeks, it came back that chemo would be little to no benefit to me, so I am now waiting to start 6 weeks of radiation in early April.
Apparently there are a lot of women out there who are like me and their cancer falls in that gray area for treatment options. I really wish this test was more accessible to everyone. Perhaps this is something that BCNA can help with by lobbying the government?? (if you're not already).
Anyway, long story to say that even though I had to wait a long time, I am so glad I got this test done to clarify my treatment options, and even though I haven't started my radiotherapy, I can at least see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks for sharing: your results are very similiar to mine except micromet in lymph node: i was given a 1 percentage benefit for chemo and thus he didnt recommend it: i found the percentage issue useful to go with his recommendations as i could decide in a cost/benefit way. Best wishes1
Thanks for sharing: your results are very similiar to mine except micromet in lymph node: i was given a 1 percentage benefit for chemo and thus he didnt recommend it: i found the percentage issue useful to go with his recommendations as i could decide in a cost/benefit way. Best wishes0
I was told by my sister-in-law, who is a pommy, that this is offered freely to everyone before undergoing chemo in the UK. . Apparently the government ends up saving lots of money on the chemo that they don't need to give.
It makes sense. Hopefully it won't be too long before we are given that option here. The cost definitely prohibits many from having this test.
Stay well,
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There is NO DOUBT this test should be available within Australia as it is in the UK and the USA and would actually save "the system" thousands of dollars PLUS it gives us a choice if we are suitable for the test. I don't think anybody would go through chemotherapy IF they didn't have to. It is now a matter of lobbying the government to make it available. I have just paid $4000 to have this test done in the USA and will now await the results (it can take 3-4 weeks to get the results in and obviously delays further treatment/intervention). Either way for me it was money well spent despite I had to pay by credit card to be able to afford it and will help both myself and Oncologist decide when the results are in what treatment will benefit me the greatest. I have 2 types of cancer - an invasive DCIS tumour on the right spanning an area of 33mm (Grade 1) and invasive Lobular carcinoma tumour on the left 25mm with satellites spanning 45mm (Grade 2). One lymph node metastatic carcinoma was present with my sentinel biopsy but the rest of the nodes taken on an axillary clearance were all clear. I am Oestrogen & Progsterone Receptor positive. According to my Oncologist I am a perfect candidate for the Oncotype testing. I will let you all know my results when they are in and keep my fingers crossed for some good news! Jan XXX
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Good luck Jan!
It will be great to hear how you get on.
Sign me up to be part of the lobbying team!
I don't think that people are aware that we are lagging behind other countries when it comes to this money and trauma saving basic test. Hmmm we will have to get it out there!
I wish you all the best in your journey in knowing that you will follow the best possible path to good health.
Healthy hugs,
Gilly x
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Hi Jan, thanks for your post. I hope you get a good result from the test. I would also be interested in getting involved with making this test more available for Australian women if there is anything that I can do.
I wish you all the best with your treatment.
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If any of you are able to put something together and send to BCNA they are putting together a submission to go to Government. I sent them a blurb earlier today. Anything we can provide them will assist I'm sure with their submission and details are on the home page. Jan
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If any of you are able to put something together and send to BCNA they are putting together a submission to go to Government. I sent them a blurb earlier today. Anything we can provide them will assist I'm sure with their submission and details are on the home page. Jan
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Hi, I had my surgery 2 weeks ago DM. Is it possible to still get my tissue from the masectomy to send to US for testing?
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I have just had my Oncotype DX results come in and my oncologist phoned. It came back with a very LOW score, meaning that I would probably not benefit from having intensive chemotherapy!!!! That is the BEST news I have had for ages. She said she was very apprehensive about giving me chemo after getting the latest news on Monday that I have a 2nd brain aneurysm and it has also helped her to make an informed decision on my future intervention which I believe will now be hormone blocking tablets. I will see her next week to discuss further. To me this has been money well spent despite the $4050 cost! Today I am doing a happy dance around the house!
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Awesome news. The test is certainly worth doing.
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Frustrating this test still isn't subsidised by Medicare. You'd think it would save the govt money in the long run1