Launceston Support Network

Launceston Breast Cancer Network is an open group focused on welcoming and supporting new and existing members, whatever their stage on the cancer journey. The prime aims of the group are support, education and information.
Everything discussed in the group is confidential and individual information is not shared outside the group.
Group members are respectful of each other’s feelings, views and concerns at all times. Group members are respectful of everyone’s rights to participate equally in the discussions or not to participate, if that is their wish. Group members are courteous of each other at all times, this includes not interrupting or talking while someone else is talking, and listening attentively when another person is speaking.
Group members are encouraged to use “I” statements so that everyone speaks in the first person. They are free to express their concerns or worries but asked to refrain from naming individual medical professionals.
Group members are encouraged to seek support if they are upset before, during or after the group.