Hi @JvJ - so sorry to see you join our exclusive little 'club' - the one that no-one wants to join!! But we are here to support you, specially in these early days xx.
Have you seen your surgeon yet? Make sure you ask for copies of ALL your reports and have a box to store them in! (They should also be sent to your GP as well as the rest of your 'team' .... also consider recording all your early meetings, as it is very easy to miss bits - so write down any questions that you have too. Having a trusted buddy with you at the meeting (both as an extra set of ears AND support)
Have you been assigned a Breast Care Nurse yet? You can also put any queries past them as well - as they'll have lots of tips & tricks from their other clients xx. They should be able to put you onto active BC groups in your area. xx
Feel free to jump onto this thread & read up a bit more on what else is available to you on the forum - you can show off your garden, art & craft, your fur kids - any thing you like, really!!
We even have some 'funny' posts, for you to have a giggle, too!! God knows that we all need a laugh now & then!
https://onlinenetwork.bcna.org.au/discussion/23477/a-big-welcome-to-all-our-new-members#latestTake care & all the best xx