Self conscious about wig



  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    edited March 2015
    That is the most terrible story. What absolutely awful people. I hope you can regain your confidence. It never ceases to amaze me how insensitive people can be.
    Sending you a huge cyber hug.
    Paula x
  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015

    You poor love. People can be so cruel. Especially young girls who don't know what they may be in for later in life. Have a look at this blog from Mich, she is so up and positive that she never fails to make me  smile. Scroll down to her reply today at 10.17pm (her 'be so happy' pic). I'm sure it will make you smile too.

    Paula and I are both sending huge cyber hugs right now.

    Love Janey xxx

  • SamzRusty
    SamzRusty Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2015

    My daughter Jade had a presentation at school that I was well enough to attend. I hadn't been a school for about 4 months at this stage & only her class parents knew what I was going thorugh.

    Jade is a Princess....her hair is to her bum & she is VERY specific in how it has to be brushed and tied back. She cried for days & didn't want to go to school when she had 5cm trimmed of it, which I struggled no to chemo rage at her with as I was BALD! Anyway......

    I get dress & wigged up ready for the mornings event....Jade looked at me and said "What have you got that on for?" She was happy for me to go to school with nothing covering my head. I was so shocked, but very touched at the same time.

    I think my confidence came form watching a 60mins stroy on Turia Pitt. The runner that was burnt while running a marathon in the outback. If she can walk around without her burn covers on proudly, then surely I can walk around without grandfather has been doing it for as long as I can remember!

    How did the school visit go? Great! kids looked, parents looked, Jade received a silver award ;)

    Sam xoxoxox

  • Hazel M
    Hazel M Member Posts: 708
    edited March 2015

    Reading your story makes me sad and angry. I can't believe there are such insensitive people in the world. We are so vulnerable with our emotions that these incidents do hurt. Sending you a big hug and I hope your confidence builds up again. Let's focus on the important people in our lives, take care, 

    Hazel xx

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    edited March 2015
    Great story Sam. Aren't kids great. They take lots in their stride. I think my kids were proud of me and my bandana clad head. One of my son's friend came up to me all bold as brass, obviously the nominated spokesman. He said quite loudly so all could hear "I heard you have no hair under that bandana, is that right?" I replied it sure is. He asked "why". I told him I got sick and needed some really strong medicine to make me better. I said it was killing all the bad stuff really well if my hair fell out. He just smiled and said "ok". He accepted it and moved on. None of the other kids ever seemed to have a problem after that.
    Kids are resilient and also know more than we sometimes give them credit for. I found my kids coped great as long as I told them the truth( in a kid friendly way of course).
    Has your hair started growing back Sam?
    Paula :)
  • SamzRusty
    SamzRusty Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2015

    Yes Paula, once I switched from AC to Taxol it started to grow back. But Taxol made my brows & lashes fall out! I'm 6 weeks free of chemo now & they are just starting to come back. I'm a bit bummed that the pubic hair is back. My arm pit hair hasn't come back yet though & I'm finding I don't need deoderant......strange!

    The kids have been great (14 & 6) Jade gets a kick out of calling it as in chicken. Makes me sick that I may have passed the BRCA1 gene mutation on to them. My 14yo cried & thought he was going to get cancer :( We'll explain it to Jade when she's older.

    Sam xoxoxox

  • Linda27
    Linda27 Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2015

    I was horrifed to hear about your experience.  I too am sending you big hugs and hope that the actions of 2 immature, ignorant and insensitve people can be overcome and that you get your confidence back. 

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    edited March 2015
    Interesting about the different affects of different drugs. I finished chemo (2nd time) over two years ago. My eyebrows grew back, but I rarely have to pluck any strays away. I can imagine the feeling about the gene must be awful, but you will make sure she is well monitored and informed.
  • Yoga nut
    Yoga nut Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2015
    After the upset of yesterday I'm feeling much better .....just getting on with my Indie style scarves , rocking the bald look and no problem. I went out with my girl friend to the Botanical Gardens and been out with my son's cricket parents and happy as .

    But strangely it cut me more than nearly anything has since I was told I had the cancer in the first place ....maybe because it made it all seem real ( so much has happened in 8 weeks I suspect my mind hasn't caught up with my body ) Maybe because it was truly one of the most horrible experiences of my life . Living in a household of teenage boys I've developed a pretty robust self esteem so it caught me really off guard .
    Anyway , whatever the reason I've let it go and decided maybe for me it's better just to let it be what it is ... I am someone having chemo . I'm not sure I can bring myself to wear that wig again!
    Thanks again girls :) xxx Karen
  • Yoga nut
    Yoga nut Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2015

    Hello Ladies,

    Just thought I'd share with you an unexpected happy ending to my upset on Saturday.

    As the whole incident was so traumatic my husband sent the manager an email explaining the situation but making it clear we didn't wish any harm to the young girls concerned , just that they be aware that you can never know what someone is going through.

    Their response has been outstanding; a direct call from the CEO to my husband first thing this morning and this afternoon I received the biggest bunch of flowers I have ever had in my life with a really touching note.

    It did make me cry all over again but this time it was in a happy way.

  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015

    Hopefully this experience will have a ripple effect with not just the young girls themselves becoming more aware and more sensitive but they may in turn help others to be more sensitive in the future. Enjoy your flowers, you deserve them and good on your husband for following this through. It may help someone else one day. :) Deanne xxx

  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015
    Good for your husband for followed up on this and what a nice surprise for you. I told my husband about your experienced and he said if it were me that it happened to, he'd go back to the shop and 'have words'. He is a really gentle man but it really upset him when I read your post. You will have to take a pic of the flowers to show us Karen. Glad you feel better about the whole thing now.

    Janey xxx
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    edited March 2015
    Good on your fantastic husband. I really hope those insensitive young women learn something from this. It is so nice to see a manager and ultimately the CEO responding in such a way. Enjoy the flowers.
    Paula :)
  • Yoga nut
    Yoga nut Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2015
    I sent the CEO an email to express my thanks and the wonderful way he had handled it to say I hope the young girls may have learnt a little life lesson; you never can know what battles people are facing so you always need to be kinder than you think necessary. I'd much rather that than any other repercussion for them.
    My boys are well impressed by the way it was dealt with and it has been a good learning experience for them too in how to handle a difficult situation and to really apologise so that it means something .

    My husband is also feeling much happier. it distressed him seeing me so upset . I'm usually pretty upbeat despite all of what's been happening and maybe it's the first thing that's happened in 2 months that he could actually " fix" . I am lucky to have him .

    I'm not sure how to put a photo on ...sorry I'm so technologically challenged ! Do you do it through a blog ? I can't see an icon here to upload it .
  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015
    Hi Karen,

    It's lovely that your husband could feel he could at least fix that problem. Our partners do feel so helpless through all this don't they so anything they can take control of is a really empowering thing for them. Well done to him :)

    Louie has posted a really helpful blog on how to post photos on the Breast Reconstruction Group page and as you're a member, you'll be able to view it. Here's the link.

    It's the same thing when making a reply on a post, as creating a new blog. You'll see the camera icon top right of the comments box. Make sure you are on a PC and not on an iPad though.

    Hope this helps.

    Janey xxx