Cairns young women?

janinaj Member Posts: 75
edited November 2016 in Community news and events
Hi there,
Is there anyone from Cairns, Queensland that might be able to offer any advice about getting treatment as a young woman in Cairns, or who might like to just talk sometime?


  • Nerissa7
    Nerissa7 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2015

    Hi Janina,

    I would be happy to talk to you about the breast cancer journey.

    Good on you for making the effort to reach out for support - there is a lot of support out there.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    I am not sure how "young" is young but I was 39 when diagnosed with breast cancer.


  • Nerissa7
    Nerissa7 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2015

    Hi Janina,

    I would be happy to talk to you about the breast cancer journey.

    Good on you for making the effort to reach out for support - there is a lot of support out there.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    I am not sure how "young" is young but I was 39 when diagnosed with breast cancer.


  • janinaj
    janinaj Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2015
    Hi Nerissa,
    Thank you for replying to my post.

    I'm super keen to hear your thoughts about the Specialists in Cairns and yr experience going through the treatment process.... What to expect etc. I haven't spoken to a specialist yet but I know I'm about to have chemo, radiation, and hormone therapy over the next 4/5 months to 5 years and would love to hear how your journey went with the Cairns system. Did you go public/private? Any advice is welcome e.g. Is there any thing or anyone I should chase or avoid?

  • janinaj
    janinaj Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2015
    Hi Nerissa,
    Thank you for replying to my post.

    I'm super keen to hear your thoughts about the Specialists in Cairns and yr experience going through the treatment process.... What to expect etc. I haven't spoken to a specialist yet but I know I'm about to have chemo, radiation, and hormone therapy over the next 4/5 months to 5 years and would love to hear how your journey went with the Cairns system. Did you go public/private? Any advice is welcome e.g. Is there any thing or anyone I should chase or avoid?

  • janinaj
    janinaj Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2015
    I so sorry to hear that happened to you Amanda. I have heard that expression many times 'too young'. It's become a real trigger for me.

    I'm going public unfortunately. I was stupid enough to cancel my insurance about 8 months ago when I moved to Cairns. I can't even remember why I did that. I'm pretty unhappy with myself as you can imagine.

    I'm told that the public and private Oncologists are the same though so I'll keep myf fingers crossed I that this is the case,

    Thanks for replying and all the best from here on in,
  • janinaj
    janinaj Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2015
    Thank you so much Paula, this is really great and useful information.

    Yes, I had Dr Elston for my mastectomy 11 days ago and I agree - he is great.

    Good luck for your prophylactic mastectomy and reconstruction tomorrow. I'll light a candle for you tomorrow night and send healing energy your way.


  • Amandajh
    Amandajh Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2015
    I was thinking about your question of Cairns or Brissy. You will get good treatment from both. Bottom line choose to have it were you have the most support and where you call home, your sanctuary where you feel most at peace and comfortable. You are really going to need this when treatment starts. It makes it easier
    All the very best. Im always hear if you need an ear xx
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,320
    edited March 2015
    Thanks. Four years ahead of you. It's hard but all doable. Off to hospital now. Will be thinking of you.
    Paula :)
  • SalSaw
    SalSaw Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2015

    Hi Janina,

    It feels like its just not fair I said to my two girls, "it's not going to kill me just an inconvenience!"..... I've just got two weeks to go and I'm finished's been a long year but I'm going to enjoy some Christmas Cheer!!!

    Yes 39 is young, I was 43 in May when diagnosed and just turned 44, so it's like the golf club, we are the young ones....

    I hope all the ops have gone well, I went private for the operations and consultations and then to the Liz Plummer centre for the Chemo and now Radiotherapy.  They are brilliant and I must say the crew at ROQ are just amazing.

    Let me know if you want to catch up and I'll send you my number, I work at the Airport so always in town.



  • janinaj
    janinaj Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Amanda, I'll simmer on that for a little while. I think that's definitely Cairns for me. Thanks, Jx
  • janinaj
    janinaj Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Sally,
    Knowing someone has gone through Liz Plummer and ROQ and that you are happy I with the process really helps put me more at ease. It's really the knowing nothing that has thrown me the most. I'm used to being the 'know it all' and dislike the absence of information that I have at the moment, so thank you again,

    I'd love to talk if you ever have the time. Perhaps after I have heard from the Oncologist so I can talk with you about the treatment options? Will see how we go. I'm so so happy to hear you only have two weeks to go. My goodness I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now but it must be wonderful! Hope you have a fantastic Christmas!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    Hi Janina,

    I just wanted to say hi and welcome you to the online network. It looks like you have already receiving some great support from some of the amazing women in the network.

    If you are up to connecting with others face-to-face as well I know there are a couple of support groups in and around the Cairns area.

    To find a support group or services within your area go to our online directory - and put in your postcode and exclude 'Online listings'. You will then receive a list of services and support in your area.

    Good luck and let me know if you need a hand finding your way around.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    Hi Janina,

    I just wanted to say hi and welcome you to the online network. It looks like you have already receiving some great support from some of the amazing women in the network.

    If you are up to connecting with others face-to-face as well I know there are a couple of support groups in and around the Cairns area.

    To find a support group or services within your area go to our online directory - and put in your postcode and exclude 'Online listings'. You will then receive a list of services and support in your area.

    Good luck and let me know if you need a hand finding your way around.


  • Samantha Wills
    Samantha Wills Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2015

    Hi Janina,


    I was also young - 34, when diagnosed in 2010.  Dr Elston did my masectomy and I can't fault him, fabulous surgeon and great to talk to for information.  I went public for my chemo at Cairns Base, as I also had let my insurance slip and they were fabulous.  Radiation in Townsville as it wasn't available in Cairns at the time.  I have just finished, yesterday as a matter of fact, another year of treatment as they discovered they misdiagnosed my original tumour and I can't fault the Liz Plummer Centre.  My new Oncologist Dr Pandey (Public) is great and they have now put in place new procedures so that no one else can be misdiagnosed.  I live in the Tablelands region but am happy to talk.  Good Luck.

  • eddiek
    eddiek Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Hi Janina

    Glad all went well for you with Dr Elston.  I thought he was wonderful in many ways also, of course most importantly with how he dealt with my surgery.  Sounds a little crazy but would have liked to have seen the tumour though just for that confirmation it was really gone!  I had my first cycle of FEC Tuesday just gone, I am on a regime through the Liz Plummer  of FEC for 3 x cycles (every 3 weeks) and then 3 x cycles of docetaxel (every 3 weeks).  My wonderful husband is getting 2-3 cups of fresh juice of kale, celery, beetroot, cucumber and carrot..of course with slight variations i.e pear, apple every day and we have just found an amazing man that is letting us collect green baby coconuts from his trees, so am drinking the coconut water and eating the flesh.  I am very grateful for how my body has reacted so far, hit really hard first night battling nausea and just indescribable 'body weirdness' but last two days have felt incrementally better from then.  That whole take every day as it comes motto has never been more real for me personally, I get it now!  I took a good few weeks to make a decision, we looked at so many therapies offered around the world, focussing on combined conventional with alternative.  Fried my brain over those few weeks, came down in a heap and found my decision.  It's ironic but I know I am going to be a better person for the journey I am on, so that is really empowering me.  Already the connections I have re-made and new ones with extremely special people are just the ultimate for me.  I am a bit of a hermit as am a cancerian true to nature but am riding now on the energy of all my amazing family, friends, old and new.  I am only 39 too, 2 children and all of this is so left field in every possible most. Would be nice to hear how you are going.  Take care xo