Jodie ! :)



  • JodieWall
    JodieWall Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015
    Hi adrianne xx

    Ill try the honey and see how I go. I will try anything to make this infection heal quicker. I've been on 2 lots of antibiotics and its still hanging around.
    I'm hoping to work through chemo. I really hope I can. I don't want to sit at home and feel sorry for myself. I so want to have a bit of normality again.
    Does anyone work through? I haven't seen many people post here that they do which scares me :-(

  • JodieWall
    JodieWall Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015
    Thanks cas. I'm very down tonight :-(
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Did someone take a wound swab and send it to pathology to find out which antibiotic should be used? I hate to be a party pooper but I couldn't work on chemo.I took sick leave and long service and I'm glad I did.On the first round,by day 10,I was in hospital isolation ward with next to no neutraphils and an infection for 4 days.You do have to be careful not to catch germs if you work with kids or are in contact with the general public.It all depends on what sort of work you do and if your boss is prepared to be flexible in case you need time off.Some women keep working but adjust their days and hours when they are not well.Just go with what feels right for you Jodie but if you work,have a plan B incase.If you are feeling extra anxious about chemo(I did) then you can ask your oncologist for "calm you down "pills beforehand (I did!).When I first entered the chemo unit and saw everyone so docile with their arms outstretched,I wanted to do a runner!-and I'm a nurse! I was also a big sook.But somehow I've managed to get through 2 bouts of breast cancer -in 2003 and in 2010.So you will be ok and don't worry if you have little meltdowns along the way-it's quite normal.

                                               Tonya xx

  • JodieWall
    JodieWall Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015
    Hi Tonya,
    I work for the commonwealth government and lucky not in the public eye. My work are very flexible and have an isolation room where I can go if I need to. I've heard many people work during chemo and im hoping I'm one of them. I've no doubt ill have days off each round, but hoping to work a few days too. Then I have 3 weeks leave at Christmas anyway.
    As for antibiotics, I'm limited due to my penicillin allergy but they don't think I need anymore, I just need to heal.
    I will do my best to maintain a bit of my life because breast cancer has stolen so much already :-(
  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015
    I am so sorry you weren't able to go ahead today. I've been out all day at appointments so just read your post. It's horrible gearing yourself up for something and then being let down even when it's not something you want to do. It's not fare. Well perhaps you could treat this as a trial run. At least you can heal properly before you begin. Chemo can be rough enough without starting behind the eight ball. Try not to worry too much about next week Jodie. Give yourself a chance to calm down. A good mindset is important as part of your overall well being. Hope the area around your port settles down quickly and there are no more problems. I think this journey can sometimes be two steps forward, one step back. There are lots of hurdles to get over. We are all here to help you leap those hurdles and sprint to the finish line.
    Love Janey xxx
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,321
    edited March 2015
    So sorry it didn't go as planned today. I remember how worked up I was before my first chemo. If after your first chemo you still feel that way then the calm down pill is the way to go. I am a stress head by nature, if I don't have something to worry about then I worry about that. I think the pill is called Larazapam??? I took it the night before, the morning of and then the following two nights. Amazing stuff, slept well and felt Ok during and after chemo. I did always need to,have a nanna nap,afterwards, but that was ok.

    As for working, I worked with two amazing ladies who both worked all through there chemos, so I thought I had to do the same. They would have it on Fri and be back at work on Mon. Well I tried and did not cope at all. I went and saw my GP and he laughed at me(in a nice way) and said all his patients had the week off after chemo. So I tried that and it was great. No pressure to rush back but after a week off I was ready to go back. I was really careful re infections. I didn't go to the movies etc as worried what I would pick up. Whenever I went to the supermarket I wiped all over the trolley handle with anti-bacterial wipes etc. I was lucky never to get any infections, but was also careful with what I did. My friends and family were great and stayed away if they were sick.
    All you am do re work is give it a go. It sounds like you have some flexibility there.
    Sending you a big hug.
    Paula xxxx
  • JodieWall
    JodieWall Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015
    Janey xxx
  • JodieWall
    JodieWall Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015
    Paula xxx
  • JodieWall
    JodieWall Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015
    Paula xxx
  • Casjsa
    Casjsa Member Posts: 181
    edited March 2015

    Jodie :)  How are you feeling this morning?  I'm hoping you're a lot better and ready to kick that infection?  I thought I was going into shock or infection or something yesterday as well.  I kept getting hot, then cool, then hot again.  Turns out the air conditioning where I was was being worked on  lol.  The workmen kept turning it on and off  hehehehe....  and here I was getting all worried about myself.

    I agree with whomever said disinfectant wipes however I would just carry some of that hand cleaning lotion and use it at every opportunity.  Isn't it interesting to read some of the posts?  I now know that I'm not going to be wonderful in the week after chemo.  I can cope with that now that I know and work around it.  As long as my head is in the right place, I'll lie on a bed for a week with a laptop if necessary.

    Go and buy something online today even if it is something tiny and ridiculous.  1. you don't have to go out with germy people 2. you'll have something to look forward to when it arrives 3. most of the fun is in the looking anyway.

    Cas (thinking of you) Huge hugs (no germs) XX

  • Casjsa
    Casjsa Member Posts: 181
    edited March 2015

    Jodie :)  How are you feeling this morning?  I'm hoping you're a lot better and ready to kick that infection?  I thought I was going into shock or infection or something yesterday as well.  I kept getting hot, then cool, then hot again.  Turns out the air conditioning where I was was being worked on  lol.  The workmen kept turning it on and off  hehehehe....  and here I was getting all worried about myself.

    I agree with whomever said disinfectant wipes however I would just carry some of that hand cleaning lotion and use it at every opportunity.  Isn't it interesting to read some of the posts?  I now know that I'm not going to be wonderful in the week after chemo.  I can cope with that now that I know and work around it.  As long as my head is in the right place, I'll lie on a bed for a week with a laptop if necessary.

    Go and buy something online today even if it is something tiny and ridiculous.  1. you don't have to go out with germy people 2. you'll have something to look forward to when it arrives 3. most of the fun is in the looking anyway.

    Cas (thinking of you) Huge hugs (no germs) XX

  • JodieWall
    JodieWall Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015
    Hi cas.
    Im on my way to work even though I didn't sleep very well. Work is having a sausage sizzle and fundraiser day for me. They are so sweet. They want to buy my wig.
    My oncologist said yesterday they have written up more medication for me than most people. Probably because I'm a stress head and a sook :-(
    I so want to read stories of people working during chemo but can't see many on here. That in itself upsets me. I'm not unrealistic but if I'm up to it I will go to work for a few hours. I might have to dr Google to see if people can actually work.
    Sigh. I'm still so down :-(
    You are cute with your hot and cold lol gave me a giggle xxx
  • peggysue
    peggysue Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2015

    good morning Jodie,

    hope you are feeling a little better today.

    As for working, I did work through chemo, (desk job)  I usually had about a week off afer each chemo session.   Not sick, but the fatigue would get me,..and sometimes "chemo brain".    .  Like the other lovelies have mentioned, I had the hand sanitiser in my bag, (waterless one), and I had the antibacterial wipes on me at all times.  I was really aware of infection, and tried to stay away from where there were lots of people.  I did fly to Melbourne 6 days after my first chemo session. (it was pre arranged) for the tennis.  You will know if you are up to work, again, just go with the flow.....and be kind to your self.........:)


  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,321
    edited March 2015
    Just read one of your posts below re work. Not sure if you misunderstood my post. I did work, just not the week after. I know heaps of people who managed to work. You sound pretty determined so you may well be just fine. Sounds like you work with nice people.
    Hope today was nice and you got to eat a yummy snag or two.
    Paula :)
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,321
    edited March 2015
    I always have more to say... I do only work part time which made it a bit easier. Rest up.
    Wishing you a germ free week.
    Paula :)