A BIG thank you!



  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    Glad you found the pic.  Josie has posted it on FB - wanting to know if it was me with you.  Didn't recogize me with the "helmet".  I am currently reading FITlosophy and will then go on to read Never Diet Again (Escape the Diet Trap For Ever) by Sharny and Julius.  I only got them in the mail today.  Extremely good.  Might be worth trying to get them from your library.  A totally new way at looking at Fat.  Quote from book "The fat? that's not you, you can't own that.  You are the athlete underneath"  Can't put the book down. XLeonie

  • JJoy
    JJoy Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Yes my dear Leonie - you saw the pictures of me on Facebook in the brass band in the 'oversize' jacket? I told the band members I looked like 'Jabba the Hut'..............they gave me the material tonight to make my own jacket (phew) at least my new jacket won't have huge arms and I can button up the front (yes, I tried on every jacket they had - either size 8 or size 20) anything close to me, my belly wouldn't let me button up - I even broke one of the buttons trying to force the issue! (diet?.....that's just a 'word' isn't it? He he he! x Josie

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Ok,I'll look out for those books. I'm not so sure about being an athlete underneath but I like the bit about not owning the fat!

                                            Tonya xx