Ongoing Saga...



  • chipmunk
    chipmunk Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2015

    Hi Gayle

    Oh you poor thing, I really hope you are feeling alot better. You really have had the wars. But, am so glad you are fighting this S*** of a thing.

    I hate the metallic taste, I just try and tolerate it though. Try and drink sparkling water, as I found that helps instead of the horrible water. Lukozade is another I am drinking.

    You really have been on that rollercoaster ride of HELL, but at least now you are about to climb off and finish the ride.

    And sending heaps of love and hugs to you, and hope your stay in hospital will end real soon.

    Take care honey, Love Julie XXXX

  • Shazinoz
    Shazinoz Member Posts: 307
    edited March 2015

    I am half way through my taxotere, carboplatin and herceptin combo (number 4 i on Monday).

    Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time.

    I get the metallic taste, watery eyes etc.

    For the dry nose (I get nose bleeds on occasion too),I found the best thing is Fess saline nasal spray (it is just saline/ salt water, but it re moistens a dry nose and flushes out any irritants like dust, pollen etc. It has cut my nose bleeds down a LOT.

    I just spent a week in isolation with a neutrophil count of 0.00 (I am up to 1.8 now), so can have the weedkiller again tomorow. I have been put onto Neulasta now though, to try to prevent this happeneing again. they tested everything trying to find the cause of my infection but couldn't find one (although waiting for poo sample results as they were checking me for C diff, a NASTY bowel infection), checked my port, and entire body from top to bottom, was on IV antibiotics but after 3 days when they had to take the cannula out (as that can be a cause of infection if in for more than 3 days), they couldn't get another cannula in (and I am covered in the bruises from them trying). I got the lovely foamy green poo you talked about too, from the antibiotics. I am on oral amoxicillian duo forte now. My temp got to 40.6 before it started to come down <Eek>.

    I hope you are feeling better each and every day.

    My heart goes out to you, I really hope that your next chemo is better, and that you have no side effects from your next cycle. ?


  • Shazinoz
    Shazinoz Member Posts: 307
    edited March 2015

    I can't tolerateEndone either (I am allergic to it), so I take MsContin & Anamorph instead (this is a morphine sulphate drug instead of an oxycodone drug), The MsContin is a slow release form (take every 12 hours) and Anamorph is the faster acting version.

    I hope thy have found a pain killer that you can take, because NO ONE deserves to be in pain.(They count pain as the 5th or is it the 6th vital sign these days, as pain itself can cause a lot of problems).

  • Gayle Taylor
    Gayle Taylor Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2015

    My bloods are starting to improve, cell count is coming down, nuerophils are good, and i feel alot better apart from general tiredness. Sleeping 8 hrs a night here, taste is back despite a hint of a metal, my feet dont hurt anywhere near as much as they did before, Im up and waalking, just feel sunburnt. Im hoping i can go home by wednesday. My hubby and son were in today, bought me up some comfort food; red snakes and chips :)

    I will be missing the next chemo sesh, giving my body a bit of time to get over this, its next tuesday. Half the dose next time as the onc now see's that it was a big hit on my system! I feel like ive run a 7 day marathon thru the Sahara desert over burning ant hills, barefoot and naked with no water in sight! Wow, what a week!

    On my way to 'normality'... whatever that is!! lol

  • chipmunk
    chipmunk Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2015

    Hi Gayle

    Glad to hear the you are up on the improve side of things.

    I can hear the pain, re the marathon and Sahara Desert. I couldn't imagine how much it must have hurt.Let alone your poor body.

    We are all here for you babe.

    Sending you big hugs and kind thoughts your way...

    Love Julie XX