Can not believe it.



  • Megwyn
    Megwyn Member Posts: 35
    @Denhamia so sorry for your diagnosis but you have lots of support here.

    You caught my interest with your latest update, does lindt 85% dark chocolate help with neutrophil levels? Wouldn't that be great if it does... chocolate becoming an essential food group :)
  • Denhamia
    Denhamia Member Posts: 9
    edited September 10,parameters%20of%20WBC%20remained%20unmodified.

     It seemed to work for me. My white cell count was a little low but neutrophils were perfect. So happy to keep testing the theory. 🤭
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    SO good to hear that the Lindt 85% dark chocolate helps keep the neutrohils up! @Denhamia  Woohoo!!   You are doing so well with all your interactions - and keeping busy being back at work again, keeps your mind busy - as this disease mucks with our brain I reckon, even more than our body!  So keeping BUSY, is a great way of preventing brain overload xx. Keep doing what you are doing & all the best as you continue your treatment, Deb xx.    Have you joined the private Mets Group?  Always good to chat with others going thru the same thing xx

    take care
  • franrup
    franrup Member Posts: 1
    edited September 19
    Hello Deb,
    My story is very similar to yours and i feel the way you feel, shocked and angry. We did nothing wrong!!Its not our fault!!
    I went for my regular two yearly mammogram end of  July 2024 (on time). I was called back after bioposy and told chemo and breast surgery. After PET scan and on my way to chemo, i was called in by oncologist and told change of plan due to spread in bone. WOW!!!!!! i am a super organised teacher and do everything on time and all preventative check ups on time, just like you. How can this be? i also stopped the HRT that i commenced four months prior and probably sped up my ER+  PR+ cancer, this is another thing I feel guilty about. 
    Its been a few weeks waiting for bone biopsy results and blood results. This week I finally commence Letrozole then CDK4/6. I am frightened of side effects but i will not give up. I will fight. You can too!!!
    You responded to my post on denovo facebook group, i live in Sydney and if ever you need to make contact or meet up for support please do via text or messenger
  • Denhamia
    Denhamia Member Posts: 9
    edited September 19
    Thank you Frances. I have responded to your Facebook request. Will PM you as well. Sending hugs. We have had a similar journey
  • Megwyn
    Megwyn Member Posts: 35
    @Denhamia I asked my oncologist about the dark chocolate hack for neutrophils, he hadn't heard of it but encouraged me to try before my next blood test. I will have some with my breakfast next week  :D
  • cactusk
    cactusk Member Posts: 70
    edited September 19
    Hello @Denhamia and @franrup
    Catching up with both your posts now - I too am on both Letrozole and Ribo.
    Taking a break from Ribo at the moment as my liver function tests were crazy high. It seems that this is a side effect that can occur - and yep, it occurred for me. Just when I was starting to feel a little more OK, and then bam. Previously ribo had felt really heavy to me, I really looked forward to the 7 days off each cycle. This time i'm feeling really wiped, with a bunch of other side effects from liver stress.
    Having a liver ultrasound next week to be sure it is only the meds. Tests tests and more tests.
    Thank you for sharing the info re: dark chocolate and neutrophils. 
    Sending you both all the very best wishes.