The waiting game...



  • Alfie
    Alfie Member Posts: 31
    Hi Gemini
    Just wondering how you are going.
    Sending positive thoughts.

  • Gemini78
    Gemini78 Member Posts: 12
    Hey @Alfie thanks for checking in. I'm one week post mastectomy. It's been an up and down week.

    Flinders was amazing. I ended up in private for most of it - surgery and recovery. Went home after one night when given the choice. 

    Mostly felt ok but I'm starting to get frustrated at just how long it's going to take to heal. Much like my original title - the waiting game - I need to work on my patience! How are you doing? How long after yours did you start to feel normal again? (I'm excited to swim, by the way - not sure it'll be in the cold sea but you've inspired me!)
  • Alfie
    Alfie Member Posts: 31
    Thanks for replying, it's only been a week.
    I had an axillary clearance last Monday. I am similar, this is a little bit more challenging than the partial mastectomy and a couple of lymph nodes removed.

    Great you were in Flinders Private, amazing just one night. I was in Ashford, tried to get out after one night but stayed for 2. They were also wonderful.

    See the surgeon tomorrow.  Oncologist Monday, it's all go...Plus have found a place to try on a more funky hats for when I presume my grey hair goes. I ordered one online but it's not the best.

    Rang Cancer SA for advice today, spoke to the nurse, she was fantastic. So I have booked into the Flinders look good feel good workshop.

    Anyway swimming will be great but not sure about pools and bugs.... I just contend with the cold and dumpers....oh yes and hoping the fishing community don't snag me on their lines.

    You can always private message me.
    Keep in touch. Might see you at Flinders.
  • Gemini78
    Gemini78 Member Posts: 12
    @Alfie Oh your words are so comforting to just know of someone who’s so close in their timeline to me! 

    Oh yeah you’re right re bugs - the sea does come with that added benefit. Perhaps I’ll just put on my big girl swimmers and go for it in the sea! 

    I was looking at the next Look Good Feel Good workshop at Flinders too. Will book on if it’s all confirmed for chemotherapy at my appointment on Friday. Might see you there!
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear @Gemini78 and @Alfie,
    From someone six years down the track, retired now and doing well, including regular swimming, walking and exercise class

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • Alfie
    Alfie Member Posts: 31
    Jennys thankyou so very much. 6yrs is great.

    Gemini yes see when your chemo is. Mine will be Mondays. Go on the look good feel good website. I booked for the 6 th of August at Flinders.  Can always cancel There are others before but I am not ready emotionally yet.

    The cancer nurse said we can go to any and they are great for us.

    I am glad you didn't mind me checking up on you. We live so close. How good would it be if we had the champers on the same day...

    I have found some good hints here on the forum.
  • Gemini78
    Gemini78 Member Posts: 12
    @Alfie That's the date I was looking at. I'm going to book on - and I can always cancel if it's too soon for me, timeline wise. I'm the opposite by the sounds of it - just desperate to get on with things. We can try on hats together. 

    So good to connect. 
  • Alfie
    Alfie Member Posts: 31
    Gemini78 It will be up to you when you want to go.

    I went to the Hat Show near the Marion Shopping Centre today.
    Bought some hats for when the hair goes.
    Lovely lady really helped.
    I just wanted it done.

    Also the lymph nodes taken out last week were clear.

    So I can drive, get back in the sea... Now that's going to be a struggle as the water temperature has dropped. Freezing ....

    Did you book the look good session.

    I was also told that when we have chemo, we should get vouchers for cheap parking.
    Hope that's right.