38yo solo mama, what is happening?!



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,288
    Great that you've seen your surgeon & have 'the plan' @sarapatricia. xx Yes, some cancers have chemo first, then surgery, then more chemo if needed and in our case - usually hormone suppressing tablets too, afterwards.

    Great that you can get the chemo (and I hope MRI etc) all done via public ... 

    Start cooking up some of your favourite meals & freeze them, so that you won't even have to think about preparing meals during your chemo.  Hopefully you wont get any side effects .... but often, eating isn't high on the list!  But having nice food 'ready to go' will be more appealing, than having to cook it up!  Just eat when you want, in smaller serves .... the old '3 square meals a day' goes out the window! ;) 

    Let us know how you go - we have members who've tried most of the chemos available ... so they should be able to help you with any side effects & how to lessen them and hopefully stop them!

    take care xx