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Little known sign of metastases

Vangirl Member Posts: 378
I was diagnosed with metastases in 2020, and I recently experienced a strange symptom, which I thought I'd mention here, as it's something that could be a red flag for anyone who is being monitored for recurrence of cancer.
I recently started experiencing numbness down one side of my face, chin, lips and tongue. I'm told that this may be due to a trapped nerve, or nerve damage caused by cancer in my scalp or base of the skull. Apparently, sometimes it is the first sign of breast cancer, or of breast cancer that has metastasized, but I had never heard of it before. Anyone who is interested can Google "numb chin syndrome." I'm off to get an MRI of my head this afternoon, to discover exactly what is going on. 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    edited May 31
    I think that anything 'new' needs to be investigated after a BC diagnosis, surgery & treatment xx. 

    All the best with your MRI - we'll be thinking of you and hoping for good results xx  @Vangirl

    take care 

  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,444
    It's a strange one @Vangirl. Good to check it out. I have a scan in July for my mets but a recent pain I am watching might bring it forward. Hope your mri is a good result for you

  • dobsonj
    dobsonj Member Posts: 12
    Wishing you so much luck! 
  • Vangirl
    Vangirl Member Posts: 378
    @Pam52 I'm sorry your husband has so little interest in your desire to travel. Perhaps he is trying to distract himself from having to think about your health. I'm not married, so it's difficult to know if it's normal for a partner to act this way. You might want to make a new post so that others who might be in a similar situation can comment, as they might not see your comment underneath my post.  Wishing you all the best. xxx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    I am SO sorry to read your post @pam52 xx    Have you joined the Private Metastatic group?  You can chat about your diagnosis there, in total privacy.

    Well done on taking delivery of your motorhome and terrific that your sister/grand daughter & daughter are keen to travel with you.  I can fully understand you being upset with your husband's behaviour. :(   Maybe he is trying to pretend your diagnosis isn't happening?   Does he ever attend your Oncology appointments with you?   Your Onc might be able to encourage him to take more of an interest in your well being, than just the bulls and the bowls  :(   

    Please consider contacting our helpline for a chat too - they are open office hours, Mon-Fri (so try & get onto them this afternoon or tomorrow xx). 

    take care xx
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,444
    Hi @Pam52, good for you reaching our here. None of us want this dreadful disease and mets is really next level isn't it. We all care and understand all the frustration, ups and downs and how tough treatment is. It must be hard in the country too. 

    Did you know the cancer council offers free counselling for anyone with cancer. I used this when I was first diagnosed with mets. It was very helpful. Not saying you have to do that but it is great to know it's available if you need it.

    Good to join the mets group too as we really get it, even all the different reactions of friends and family. It so difficult when we have our own emotions to deal with. Maybe hubby is in denial or trying to pretend it's not happening. I recently had a friend of 35 years visit from the UK. She never once asked how I was. I thought is strange but apparently it can be common for people to ignore the conditions as a way of them coping. Seems odd to me.

    Go for it in the motor home. Plan a short get away to start with to test it all out. I find getting away really helpful with the mets and I get away in our camper when I can. I have monthly injections in the chemo ward so I have little trips in-between treatment and it's so good for me.

    Reach out any time. Take care and let us know how you are going. 
  • WhiteLight
    WhiteLight Member Posts: 38
    Hi Pam52
    Just read your post from June.  So sad you don't get more support from your husband but it may just be his way of dealing with your diagnosis.  I agree with Arpie to maybe encourage him to go with you to appointments if he doesn't yet.  How did the appointment with the oncologist go?  I think you are amazing going for trips in your motorhome, so glad you have the support of your sister, daughter and granddaughter.  I hope the results were manageable and that you get your wish to travel around Australia.  
    Wishing you all the best and sending hugs :-)