New diagnosis triple negative BC

BeG Member Posts: 7
edited January 14 in General discussion
Hi all,

I'm having a bit of difficulty reaching out to talk to anyone going through a similar experience - I'm 27 and just diagnosed with triple BC. I've joined the young persons group and awaiting to join triple negative group.

I'm in the limbo period of waiting to be referred to oncologist and awaiting appt with the surgeon, so I really don't know anything yet.

I suppose I'm just wanting reassurance and support from someone that has go e through a similar experience or maybe if anyone has any recommendations for other places I can go to for support, I've contacted a breast cancer nurse, but I haven't heard back yet.

Thank you!

Oops posted twice!


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710

    Goodness it's a so and so when you're told you have Breast Cancer! 

    The link above gives a good overview of Triple negative.   Early detection is the key!

    Hopefully your request to join the private groups will happen soon.

    Take a few deep breaths and keep posting on here.  We've tread the Breast Cancer path and support and help where we can.

    Take care and best wishes 
  • BeG
    BeG Member Posts: 7
    Thank you, it is rough! Definitely not what I wad expecting from my late 20's!
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    Sadly BC can happen to someone young!  Once your appointments start the treatment course will become clearer 
    Sending a virtual hug ⚘️ 
    Take care
  • BeG
    BeG Member Posts: 7
    Thanks so much :)