Her2 positive



  • Julz67
    Julz67 Member Posts: 16
    @riss81 where did you get the tattoo brows? I've never heard of them & have noticed my brows starting to thin.
    I'm HER2+ hormone negative they said it's protein based, just completed round 4 chemo two days ago 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Well done @Tri .... bad luck about getting covid on top of it all xx

    Welcome to the forum - whack up any question you like & hopefully some of us will be able to help with an answer xx. Feel free to check out this post, with lots of info on 'the rest' of the forum, where we share recipes, pics of our pets & gardens, our arts & craft & anything else that we do in our 'down time' .....

    Wishing you all the best with your ongoing treatments xx
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 303
    Thank you @arpie! And thanks @cheri for posing the question
  • PSP
    PSP Member Posts: 2
    Hi Cheri, I was diagnosed with HERS 2 positive in July this year. I opted for a double mastectomy and removal of sentinel nodes (August), two weeks later I had an infusaport inserted for my chemotherapy. I have now had 4 rounds of chemotherapy and luckily haven’t had to many terrible symptoms, main gut issues. I shaved my hair off so that I could get used to having no hair and have had no hair loss yet 😂. I was offered cold capping but chose not to have it after reading up on it. Mainly because while it stops some hair loss, it doesn’t prevent all of it. I thought I would just look messier with part of my hair out rather than all of it. I bought lots of head covering and wear a variety of these as my hair starts to grow slowly back. I was surprised how cold my head gets without hair. 
    Good luck with your treatment. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    edited September 2024
    Fantastic that you are going so well on your chemo, @PSP .... Welcome to the blog - that made me laugh, about shaving your head & then not actually needing too!  Apparently the feel of hot water on a bald head can feel amazing tho! (I read that somewhere .... I didn't have to do chemo, so didn't lose my hair.)

    Feel free to start a new thread on Newly Diagnosed, telling us your story so far .... your diagnosis, which surgery you had  .... then you'll have your own 'diary' on your journey so far, to look back on later, all in the one place  x

    Have you joined the private Triple Positive group yet?  You can chat away in total privacy there, as only members can see the posts.  Jump on here & click JOIN - tho it probably won't happen now til Mon xx

    Take care & all the best for your ongoing treatment xx