Clueless doctor

mumflo Member Posts: 44
Well it's been quite awhile since I've been here, I needed a break from all things breast cancer. And I'm amazed I remembered my log in! Not entirely sure this is the right place for this but didn't know where else to go. Shall try and keep it short and sweet.
Have just spent 3 weeks in hospital with a fever of unknown origin. While they tried to work out what was causing me to be so ill they did several tests including chest x-rays, CT scans of chest and abdo as well as a PET scan.  Unfortunately the PET scan showed a lung nodule which lit up as well as my spleen. While in hospital 2 separate medical teams advised that it was quite possible that I either had a primary or secondary lung cancer. I was referred to the respiratory team and this is where it goes a bit pear shaped.

At the resp appointment, the doctor was adamant I had pneumonia and all I needed was to have a CT scan in a years time. I questioned the years wait saying a year seemed to be a long time to wait if it was lung cancer. I also asked if the nodule could be biopsied but apparently the nodule is abutting the aorta and not safe to biopsy. Bronchoscopy also not an option because of nodule location. The doctor was very surprised that I was still taking Tamoxifen at 8 years and then proceeded to say that at at 8 years post BC that it would be highly unlikely to be a secondary cancer. Left that appointment with a follow up CT scan booked for 3 months time. 

Thanks to my health  I have read my medical imaging reports and there is no mention of a nodule  in either the x-ray or CT scan. Though the resp doctor showed me the nodule on the CT scan. Not very reassuring for the follow up CT if they can't get it right on the first one. Are there any tumour markers or anything else that might help to exclude secondary BC even 3 months seems to be too long a wait. Or any other suggestions that might help me get through this.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


  • GenK
    GenK Member Posts: 65
    I’m assuming they did high contrast CT. Sometimes the report interpretation differs, just like Drs differ in opinions, so second opinion wouldn’t hurt. Do you have a good GP? I had lung nodules and thankfully the private radiologist was fabulous at reading the scans, and in my case the report said likely viral nodules that would resolve, repeat scan in 3-6mths, unless symptoms worsened, and noted size and location of all nodules. With mum’s BC my repeat high contrast scan was delayed despite my GP wanting 2-3mths, didn’t want to delay scan to the 6mth as cautious. Perhaps your GP can assist? 
    For the record, very true Drs can be frustrating, and don’t always make things smoother for patients. I spent enough time nursing helping patients understand Drs language and advocating for people under my care. Hope you get some answers and it’s just viral nodules. 🌺
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Hi @mumflo, I would see your GP and if you are still under an oncologist perhaps have a chat to them too. The last thing you need is confusion. Best wishes to you.