Was it only a cyst??????

Mimand Member Posts: 54
Has anyone been told it is only a cyst and your gut told you to insist on biopsy and it turned out to not be a cyst . 


  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,580
    Yes. My GP told me that my lump felt like a cyst and not to lose sleep over it. She gave me a referral for an ultrasound though because she knew I’m a hypochondriac and would’ve insisted on one. It turned out I had one more lump next to it, and another in my other breast, all three cancerous. Lucky I was stage 1. 
  • Abbydog
    Abbydog Member Posts: 531
    Not me. But I have heard this from several other people. I would demand a scan, politely.
    You are the only person who has to live with the consequences, if the GP is wrong.
  • noosa_blue150
    noosa_blue150 Member Posts: 212
    I’m with Abbydog -your body and you have to,live with the consequences .I had a cancer in situ in a polyp  from colon in my 40s , the GP dismissed it as bleeding haemorrhoids . Would have been in trouble if I’d left it longer .
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    @Mimand - listen to your body and your gut feeling - and change medicos if needs be.
    Most of us on here have discovered that we have to be our own advocates.
    If it is discovered that it is "just a cyst" then you and the GP can rest easy - but most certainly demand a test.
    Let us know how you get on.  💖
  • Ausmum2
    Ausmum2 Member Posts: 57
    I was a cyst that was core biopsied (u/s and mammogrammed) as a cyst, that then grew over a few months and was retested as a cyst (u/s and mammogrammed again) and fine needle aspiration that turned out to be …yeah, not a cyst at all…

    TNBC - 16 months later Post chemo, radios double mastectomy, genetic testing,,,etc etc etc - the hole enchilada…

    wasn’t a cyst….

    go with your gut
  • Mimand
    Mimand Member Posts: 54
    Update : I have a new 9mm solid mass , biopsy on Tuesday 16th Aug . 🙏🏼

  • Abbydog
    Abbydog Member Posts: 531
    Fingers crossed for good news. At least you have had it followed up. You can deal with this knowing what it is soon.  
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    My lump that wasn't a lump because it wasn't there when someone else was looking it for turned out to be a lobular tumour the size of my thumb.

    This was only discovered after 4 years when I'd lost ten kilos without trying in 12 months and insisted on surgical exploration. I was made to feel like a hysterical nuisance but if I hadn't have chucked a right wobbler about it I'd be dead now.

    I think the little bell that rings in our heads when we think something is wrong should not be ignored.
  • Fufan
    Fufan Member Posts: 123
    @Mimand hope your biopsy gives you a good result.

    Seems it’s not uncommon to get a bum steer.  I went to the doctor in May 2021, and by September had had two ultrasounds, a mammogram and a biopsy. All were inconclusive and I was told the lump was probably the result of an old injury and would dissipate. When it was still there in December I decided to go back to (a different) doctor, who referred me to a breast surgeon “just in case”.  After a lumpectomy I was diagnosed with an undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma, but after a mastectomy I hit the jackpot: triple negative Metaplastic carcinoma.  The most aggressive form, and eight months wasted.

    My advice to anyone would be just keep pushing!