


  • hdubs
    hdubs Member Posts: 82
    edited 2015 03

    Thank you everyone for your comments.  I had a  counselling session last week and learnt some mindfulness techniques to try to lessen the symptoms of the emotional rollercoaster I'm on at the moment.  But I think that there is probably a reason I'm on an emotional rollercoaster and wonder whether it wouldn't just be better to ride it out.

    I think a big part of the problem is that once I got diagnosed I stopped "feeling" and just got on with the next surgery or the next chemo and so on.  My feelings caught up with me after my mastectomy and again after my reconstruction was finished and I was a bit of a mess for a while.

    Another big part of the problem is, as Celeste said, life is just not the same.  Pre-BC priorities aren't part of my life anymore.  There's a big adjustment to make on top of the emotional side of things we have to deal with.  I agree it's just like being spat out of a tornado.

    take care everyone,


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 2015 03

    Thanks Leonie, yes the coursde has been highly recommended to me so I'm really looking forward to it! x

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 2015 03

    I think you're right about riding the rollercoaster out...allowing yourself to experience all the feelings and thoughts that come with this journey is important, but when they become too distructive and menacing for me, that's when i know it's time to reach out for support. Time is a factor, but for me trying to make sense of my reactions has also been important along the way. In my opinion, it's ok to do mediation, mindfulness stuff, relaxation exercises etc etc but I believe the emotional and psychological healing is much deeper than that. I think these activities can help with the symptoms of anxiety, but for me they dont heal or take away the emotional issues related to BC. Counselling has helped me to sort through my emotions, fears, anxiety etc and helped "ground" me, but I had to find a good counsellor that I liked and that I felt comfortable with ( I didnt like the first one I had so I changed to another one). Also, isn't it interesting how our priorities change as a result of BC? It's trying to find a new kind of "normal" that is the challenge now! Celeste?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 2015 03

    I think you're right about riding the rollercoaster out...allowing yourself to experience all the feelings and thoughts that come with this journey is important, but when they become too distructive and menacing for me, that's when i know it's time to reach out for support. Time is a factor, but for me trying to make sense of my reactions has also been important along the way. In my opinion, it's ok to do mediation, mindfulness stuff, relaxation exercises etc etc but I believe the emotional and psychological healing is much deeper than that. I think these activities can help with the symptoms of anxiety, but for me they dont heal or take away the emotional issues related to BC. Counselling has helped me to sort through my emotions, fears, anxiety etc and helped "ground" me, but I had to find a good counsellor that I liked and that I felt comfortable with ( I didnt like the first one I had so I changed to another one). Also, isn't it interesting how our priorities change as a result of BC? It's trying to find a new kind of "normal" that is the challenge now! Celeste?

  • pisces_tas
    pisces_tas Member Posts: 474
    edited 2015 03

    Hello ... Let me know if you come to northern Tasmania at all. Love to catch up.

    I did an encore program in Launceston, which is an hour away ( 60  kms ) from me.. It was beneficial and good company; helped relax me afterwards too. On a deeper level, I think I have come to " grow up " and learn to listen to myself and trust. I think it is not about hanging on, but letting go and trusting " everything will be ok "..accepting..what life throws at you, keep searching for the " truth" and reaching out to others in our own way..Not always easy, I know. 

     Went to Bridport yesterday and  " trod water " for half an hour. Felt good in the salt water; friend came also.  Afterwards, we had a nice cup of tea in the garden under shade, with the dog, the cat and the chook.

    I hope you can keep laughing and carry on. I see the strengths in here and am amazed and inspired.

     Love, Kathy. ooxx.

  • pisces_tas
    pisces_tas Member Posts: 474
    edited 2015 03

    Hello ... Let me know if you come to northern Tasmania at all. Love to catch up.

    I did an encore program in Launceston, which is an hour away ( 60  kms ) from me.. It was beneficial and good company; helped relax me afterwards too. On a deeper level, I think I have come to " grow up " and learn to listen to myself and trust. I think it is not about hanging on, but letting go and trusting " everything will be ok "..accepting..what life throws at you, keep searching for the " truth" and reaching out to others in our own way..Not always easy, I know. 

     Went to Bridport yesterday and  " trod water " for half an hour. Felt good in the salt water; friend came also.  Afterwards, we had a nice cup of tea in the garden under shade, with the dog, the cat and the chook.

    I hope you can keep laughing and carry on. I see the strengths in here and am amazed and inspired.

     Love, Kathy. ooxx.