


  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    edited April 2022
    Just trying to keep the conversation away from people jumping to conclusions.  THAT IS ALL!
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Hi @Keeping_positive1 

    I am not saying that Kristen isn't a nice person. No doubt she is. Yes I know his role is federal treasurer and member for kooyong but this doesn't excuse professional  or lack there of real or perceived. Let's not be get clouded over issues just because someone met someone. I am not going to get into politics here as it's not the place.

    The issue is an organisation's representative is seen having a close connection to a politician or perhaps a political party- perceived or real. Let's not be naive.

    I have worked in senior public service positions. I have seen what can happen and I think an explanation around the context, relationship and transparency of what Josh has or hasn't done for BCNA is required.

    Whether the media has represented what the situation is  is now irrelevant. The story is out there and therefore this issue needs addressed. I am sure @Kristen_BCNA will provide some commentary in due course.

    @MissHeliotrope you have made very good points of the issue and reprentation in professional v private capacity. Thank you. 
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Bcna represents a diverse group of vulnerable people and it is inappropriate to drag them into political debate.If the ceo wishes to endorse a political candidate it would be appropriate if she did so in her private capacity without her title and the uniform/ paraphanelia of the organisation as by inference it suggests the candidate has the support of the entire membership. 
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    edited April 2022
    @Cath62 I totally agree an explanation and the full picture would be welcomed. Having also worked in senior positions in both charitiable organisations and government roles, I get it! 

    Best we wait to see and hear an explanation from BCNA staff.
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    @Keeping_positive1 no one has mentioning criticism or has even used the word criticism in any of their posts above. Sorry you feel that way. 
  • Kirsten_BCNA
    Kirsten_BCNA Staff Posts: 57
    HI everyone - I wanted to provide an update to you on the issues you have raised through this thread. 

    Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) and I do not endorse individual
    politicians or political parties. We have been fortunate to be able to work with politicians from
    all political parties and our focus is to ensure we can be part of policy
    decisions, no matter who is in government. 

    I want to assure you that I take our political relationships seriously and am clear on the legal requirements of BCNA.  We are disappointed
    that BCNA has been caught up in the current

    The interview with Sky was wide ranging including highlighting some of our election manifesto asks. As can be the case with media only showed a small proportion of my interview.

    Cheers KP

  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    It would seem a retraction of sorts is also necessary for the general public who have also been dismayed by a charity seemingly engaged in political endorsement?
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    edited April 2022
    @Kirsten_BCNA thank you for the explanation.  Thank you also for the clarification as sometimes the public can be so naive to think that the snippet they saw of your interview is a full representation of what took place.  Perhaps just don't put yourself through those interviews again with Sky nor ABC.  :)  They have their own agendas!  You don't need the dramas! 
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    @Romla the general public should wise up!  Thank you though for starting this thread because I hadn't caught up with the latest untruths we are likely to be subjected to at this time. :)  
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Thank you @Kirsten_BCNA.
    At this stage in the political timelines these reports appear.  It is very disappointing when people see/hear it and then repeat it before ascertaining more about the background.
    Hopefully this is the end of this thread.
    Kind regards.
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    edited April 2022
    Thanks @Kirsten_BCNA. Appreciate your comments. 

     It is so important everyone be able to express their views openly and have those views/concerns expressed and be respected even if they differ from others.  

    Thank you again for providing your update.
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    @Cath62 so glad it is all cleared up for us, and now we can move on. :)  
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    I feel I have overreacted on this thread, and my intention was never to hurt anyone by my comments and make it personal.  @Cath62 you have always had relevant and good points to make, as was many of the other comments.  My only concern was we didn't wait for a response by BCNA to clear things up first.  I was too direct in delivering how I felt.  Apologies to anyone who I offended by my blunt comment on this thread.  
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Don't worry @Keeping_positive1. We can all be passionate about things that matter. 

    I think it's ok for everyone to chat and express their concerns and views before any formal response. I guess by us doing so, it allows BCNA to look at what those concerns actually are and give them time to be able to provide a considered response. 

    Have a lovely Friday night and a great weekend.