Friday Update 21st January 2022

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,153
edited February 2022 in Community news and events

Friday Update 21st January 2022

Hello members,

Welcome to the first Friday update of 2022!

First, I would like to extend my thankyou to our wonderful members
who kept me in the loop with items that needed attention over the office
closure period, as we didn’t have our usual fulltime moderating schedule. It
was extremely helpful - THANKYOU.

There has been quite a few important updates in relation to
COVID-19 vaccinations and associated impacts in the health system that I will
share in this update, as well some welcoming news in relation to Telehealth.

Community highlights

back on 2021 Online Network activity

The below data is more than numbers; these are valuable conversations,
support and connections:

1058 discussions


509 contributors

3,610 active users

914,450 page views

TOP 5 Popular
forum discussions in 2021

Members new and old may have missed some of the forum discussions that
have received the most comments in 2021:

1. Friday Funnies

2. Wise words ....

3. COVID 19 jab

4. Creative Corner!

5. Our Gardens
(Check out the beautiful lilium shared by @Locksley)

Community News

BCNA 18 Jan 2022 – Telehealth Consultations

BCNA welcomes the Australian Government’s announcement to
reinstate MBS items for Telehealth consultations made via telephone with cancer
specialists. We know this will help to reduce exposure and risk to the
community during the ongoing pandemic and allow for flexibility in how Telehealth
is delivered. BCNA, the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia and other health
professional groups strongly advocated for telephone Telehealth items to remain
on the MBS due to the rapid spread of the Omicron variant. BCNA has the
latest in how this may impact you go


BCNA 13 Jan 2022- COVID-19 booster vaccine

who received a third COVID-19 vaccine due to being immunocompromised or on
active cancer treatment are now eligible for a booster vaccine four months
after their third shot. Visit My Journey or call BCNA’s
helpline for more information about COVID-19 and breast cancer.  My Journey:

RACGP - A guide, action plan and symptoms diary for patients

The RACGP has developed a guide to assists COVID-19 positive
patients to self-manage their symptoms at home, and is the patient complement
to the GP resource Home-care guidelines for patients with COVID-19. CLICK HERE  for further details


Health provides
free visual images about healthcare. The images can be used for communication
or as part of a social script to prepare for a hospital visit or medical
procedure for people who may have a communication need or disability. CLICK HERE  for further details


Dine Pink to help BCNA

Now, more than ever, we understand the
importance of human connection and we can finally celebrate our friendships and
family by connecting in person.

We encourage you to Dine Pink this
summer while raising vital funds to support BCNA. You can help ensure people
affected by breast cancer stay connected to their support networks by
connecting them to resources and services such as the BCNA Helpline, My Journey
app, local support groups, and BCNA’s online network. CLICK HERE  to find out more

Podcast (Have you checked out Charlotte Tottman’s

You Don’t Know Until You Do’ – EP3 The Showing Up and Letting Down: Surprises
and Disappointments in Relationships

When unexpected
family or friends show up to support you through your breast cancer diagnosis
it can make you feel a great sense of comfort and value.

However, when
the people we love step back when we need them most, it can leave you feeling a
great sense of disappointment.

In episode 3 of
What You Don’t Know Until You Do, Clinical Psychologist Dr Charlotte Tottman
discusses how best to respond to disappointment, recalibrate expectations, and
how to clearly communicate your emotional and practical needs to those around

Listen to
episode 3 via the link:

Books / Movies/ TV Series/ Documentaries

This one is from the My Journey Library and I have watched the intro
and first video of the series. Some of you may be interested in exploring

Health During and After Cancer Treatment
 video series
- Julie Bolton (Counsellor and breast cancer survivor)

series of six videos explains the impact of a breast cancer diagnosis and
treatment on our emotional health and provides simple but effective strategies
to help improve your quality of life. The first video is currently available
free of charge, and then there is a charge of $49.99 for unlimited access to
the full series. You can watch a three minute introduction to the series on
Julie's website - follow the link above)


Hope you
enjoyed the content this week and in the meantime, if you have any concerns
while online, please contact one of the moderators -

@Jenny_BCNA @Carissa_BCNA @Anna_BCNA
@Pat_BCNA @MichelleP_BCNA @Mez_BCNA

If you need to
speak with someone regarding your concern, please call 1800 500 258
alternatively, you can email

Take care,

The mod team – Mez, Carissa,
Jenny, Anna, Pat & Michelle

“Feelings are
just visitors, let them come and go”- Mooji