Feeling overwhelmed



  • noosa_blue150
    noosa_blue150 Member Posts: 212
    Hang in there ! As others have said it’s such a roller coaster ride at first (without a safety belt or a emergency stop button !) And when you read the info on the BCNA website keep a notebook handy and write down your questions ( I can assure you you’ll forget something when in front of drs ) and take some one with you to dr appts for first few if possible .I thought I had it all covered but my brain was so focused on chemo first then surgery that I missed vital information like timing of surgery .luckily my daughter had noted that down and reminded me . 
  • Sharonb58
    Sharonb58 Member Posts: 19
    Yes , that's is so accurate! 
    Thank you for you advice.  My sister has been coming with me as as soon as I heard the word cancer I couldn't focus on anything else . I just can't wait to have a plan , im hoping that settles my anxiety!
    It's so nice to get everyone's advice and amazing support at this very hard time . I hope you are well 💕
  • Mazbeth
    Mazbeth Member Posts: 199
    Hi @Sharonb58 I hope you are doing ok. I just remembered that I watched the video/podcast on this network - Recently Diagnosed - and it was really useful and explained quite a few things. When you have chemo first it’s called neoadjuvent chemo - that’s what I had. My oncologist said it is pretty much the same as having it after surgery, but there are a couple of advantages of having chemo first 1. You have time to plan the type of surgery you are going to have 2. The pathology done will indicate how your tumour responds to chemo 3. Time to think about whether you want reconstruction 4. When you have surgery first, they will not start chemo if there is any complications such as infection. 5. The chemo will be mopping up any rogue cells. I think I had chemo first because I was diagnosed over Christmas 2019 and with surgeons on holidays, it was quicker to just get into the chemo immediately. Either way, there will be a plan and you will be in good hands and you will get through this. Take care. X
  • Sharonb58
    Sharonb58 Member Posts: 19
    Thank you so much 💕
    I am going to have the same treatment.  Just saw my oncologist and she has put me in for a clinical trial at Coffs harbour that is for this particular cancer ( triple neg) . I feel slightly better now that I have a plan and it's good to hear that you opted for that . It certainly sounds like a good way to go ! Thank you for your support and I hope you are well 💗
  • jm13
    jm13 Member Posts: 24
    I’m pretty new to this triple neg diagnosis. So I totally understand your anxiety.  I felt I was going out of my mind when I knew what I had, the doctors knew what I have, yet I felt I was left hanging off a Cliff by my fingernails! So you aren’t alone. I’ve had surgery to remove nasty, clear margins, lymph nodes were also clear. First chemo last week finally, after first mammogram in mid March. Call on your dear family and friends, they love you and tell them what you need from them, wether it be a funny joke to smile at each morning or a bowl of soup! A hug, a lil walk. Just ask hon. Good luck. 
  • Sharonb58
    Sharonb58 Member Posts: 19
    Yes , that's exactly the feeling ! I start a clinical trial next week and then surgery after that.  Funny enough im starting to feel a little better just having a plan ... even though it is going to be tough ! Luckily I have great support around me and my family and friends are definitely circling the wagons around me at the moment.  Thank you for your advice and I wish you all the best with your recovery 💕