


  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 981
    @Halla Have you started your radiation treatment as yet.
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    edited June 2021
    Hi @Locksley yes, I started it on Wednesday. So far so good. It’s a bit stressful trying to do the breathing right, but feeling ok so far. They said that it wouldn’t be worth using mepitel for the amount of radiation I was getting, they think I won’t  get much skin effect anyway. I hope they are right! I’m using the strataxrt though - which they also didn’t think was necessary - but I want to avoid any painful trouble if I possibly can! 

    How did you find your radio during and after @Locksley?
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 981
    @Halla that's good you have started.  The breathing was very hard for me.  I had developed blood clots before I started radiation and just couldn't hold my breath very long.  But you get there.  Are you using the iPad for the line or are staff talking you through the breathing.
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 981
    I had the mepitel at Peter mac.  I had a mastectomy.  I asked about the strataxa gel cream and they said not to worry about using that sorbelene would be enough.  I'm glad you have the strataxa gel.  Sorbelene was not enough for me.
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    @Locksley oh I’m sorry to hear about your clots :😢… I’m using the iPad…I can hold my breath and keep it on the green line no problem but the therapists seem concerned that my heart is getting in the way…so the sessions have been very long with them taking loads of X-rays and telling me to change the way I breathe and don’t arch my back etc etc and so it gets really confusing and a bit worrying that I don’t really know how to do it right
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 981
    I tried the iPad once and I didn't have the strength in my breath to do it properly so they quickly decided to coach Me through.  Some sessions were harder and longer than others.   I also found some staff  were better at getting me to do what they wanted  me to do than others.  On the long breath I thought  was going to turn blue.
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 981
    During the sessions I found it helpful for the staff to tell me if it was a long breath and I could  push through or if it was a shorter one and I was less stressed.
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    Thanks @Locksley that helps to hear I’m not the only one having trouble!
  • Troods
    Troods Member Posts: 9

    arpie said:

    Excellent @Troods!!  Terrific that you had a good result with the gel!! 

    I hope that someone takes you up on your offer of buying your excess gel - but just remember that the area will remain 'warm' for the next few weeks & you should be continuing using your gel for that period.

    All the best xx

  • Troods
    Troods Member Posts: 9
    @Halla, so glad you received the Strata cream. They told me I didn’t need it either, but there was small patch I missed around my back and the skin got bad there, so I’m glad I ignored what they said and used the gel.  I have had comments from everyone that sees my mastectomy scar post radiotherapy, like “wow did you even have radio your skin is fantastic”!  So I can say it works!! All the best and just try to stay relaxed through your breathing.  I used to breathe the good stuff in and at the end blow all the cancer shit out.  That’s what I kept saying in my mind through the radiation.  It kept me calm and focused.  Cheers Troods
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    Thanks @Troods for getting it to me so quickly! I’m really glad I’ve got it! I will think about that during breathing too 
  • Jwrenn
    Jwrenn Member Posts: 144
    Hi @Halla I practised the deep breaths when I was was going to sleep, it was relaxing. Counted to 20 or so while doing it and did the same when I was having radiation 
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    Thanks @Jwrenn good idea. It’s getting easier now the sessions are a lot quicker, not so much time to stress!