2 years post BC and now this

two years since i had radiation therapy for breast cancer , annual scans were clear , the last one in February, now I find a hard lump in the same breast.  is it C   or damage to tissue after i fell on my hands n knees in the shopping center??  i had issues with tendons and such a long while after the lumpectomy last time , but I'm fixed on the fear that its cancer, i dont care about me but my autistic daughter is a worry we have no relatives thought I had friends but turns out I dont  god im tired of things going wrong be 10 days before i can get a gp appointment 


  • Mazbeth
    Mazbeth Member Posts: 199
    Hi @tisme it absolutely sucks that you are going through this and you know that this waiting part is the worst. I know you have a lot of your mind which is completely understandable, but try not to get ahead of yourself. It is completely natural that you are perhaps going to the worst case scenario because of what happened last time when the rug was pulled out from under you. Don’t worry, I too tend to jump there too, so I am going to try and offer a voice of calm.

    Let’s look at what you know so far - I find this helps when I am starting to lose it. You have had clear annual scans and only recently too. You have had a nasty fall which at the time may have caused you to knock yourself and with all the other bruises, you just didn’t realise what you had done. There are many possibilities, not just one, but unfortunately there is a wait to find out. Can you keep trying to get an earlier appointment by letting the staff know you will come in if there is a cancellation? I am also sorry to hear you don’t have supportive friends, but we are here, not in a physical - make a cuppa sense, but we are definitely here on the keyboards sending you hugs and support. I hope you can do some nice things you and your daughter enjoy over the coming days. Mx
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hello @tisme
    Goodness, you are in the wars and being on the keyboard in the night means you are like many of us with the 'battery brain' which we cannot turn off.  The quiet dark hours are when we stop and worry, aren't they ?
    As @Mazbeth says, call the GP again - I would be saying that you have found a breast lump as that may make them fit you in with a GP quickly, even if it is not your own usual GP.
    If you have no friends to speak with perhaps you can show your location next to your name in your profile.  There is bound to be another member close by with whom you could catch up for a cuppa and chat.  You need some support there.
    All the best.  Let us know how you get on.
    Have you joined 'Carer Corner' on this site ?
  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    how do i show my location ??

  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    If you go into your profile (click the icon where you would normally sign out and you will see Edit Profile).
    it will show the spot there for Location.
    Type your location then Save.
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,525
    Hi @tisme,

    What a difficult time and very scary for you. Deep breaths. I agree try to phone the GP again and explain how fearful you are given your previous cancer. Your GP may get you in earlier if they know the circumstances so you can get that lump checked. I am sure you are busy with your daughter and this may be a blessing to keep your mind busy in the day. Sending love and positive thoughts xxxxxx
  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    there are no doctors anywhere available for 10 days its crazy , will try mine fingers crossed I get a good receptionist  one or two have attitude issues 
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Can you speak with the oncologist clinic for some advice as to where else you can go ?
    No good sitting and worrying when you can be proactive - even go to the emergency dept of the local hospital ?
    If you reply to this post you can add your location so members reading this who are near to you can reach out and help you.
    I know you are in Qld but it would not be right for me to advise your area, that is up to you.  Is that up near Caboolture ?  Qld members would have more idea than me 😁  Sorry, I am way down south in Victoria.
  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    im on the waiting list if the doc has a cancellation 
  • Mazbeth
    Mazbeth Member Posts: 199
    That’s great to hear you have made contact with the doctor again. I reckon if any of us were working reception at a doctor’s surgery and were on the end of a call like yours we would be moving mountains to get you in - because we totally get it. Before I was diagnosed I was having yearly mammograms at the Wesley - expensive but they would get me in immediately if I had a cyst or lump to get checked, I totally skipped the queue of people having routine checks. 
    I would totally recommend calling the Chicks in Pink as I have seen first hand the amazing work they do in navigating treatment. They used their funds to help my friend to access radiation treatment privately as it was closer to home for her. I was thinking that maybe they could help to get you in somewhere for a check up and scan. Xx
  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    chicks in pink ??

  • Mazbeth
    Mazbeth Member Posts: 199
    It operates out of the Mater Hospital in Brisbane and has a really good website. I just checked it and they offer loads of support options. They even have a ‘rapid access’ option where they will try to connect people to specials ASAP. It is for both public and private patients. 
  • tisme
    tisme Member Posts: 149
    things always start on a weekend thanks for the suggestion , i sent them an email 

  • Mazbeth
    Mazbeth Member Posts: 199
    I hope you get some good suggestions from them. If things don’t happen on a weekend it is usually 2am - argh. Take care