Still struggling with the word pre-cancer after DCIS mastectomy



  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    It's so important to be heard @averi.  I sometimes feel that there's some sort of veil that gets draped over the reality of breast cancer (and quite possibly, other cancers, too).  What can start out meaning to be reassuring can often have the opposite effect as in your case.  Another term I loathe when talking about cancer is "fight" - what happens if treatments don't work - did the person not fight hard enough?.. are they some sort of failure?  That's what I liked about Charlotte Tottman's manner - she comes across as straight up.  Understanding and empathetic but no sugar coating.  Fluffy words are something I no longer have time for.
  • ddon
    ddon Member Posts: 349
    @Sister I hate that word ‘fight’ too, and ‘battle’. This is not a battle or a fight. That implies there’s something that we have control over and something we can physically do to overcome. It infuriates me every time I hear it. I do what my doctor says, I endure the treatment and the meds, I eat well and exercise and I try to live. That’s it. What else can I do? How can I fight? 😤🤬
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Brave battler - a lazy, supposedly empathetic description that makes me cross. For many, ‘winning the battle’ involves a bit of luck, as in you found out early, the medication works for you, the side effects aren’t too severe etc. Brave? I have always adopted the Bravery Council’s definition of bravery - ‘taking yourself from a place of safety to a place of danger to assist another’. It’s the conscious volition that marks bravery - I don’t know anyone who chose cancer, or who might not dodge it given an option! Tagging you as ‘brave’ (or, worse, a hero) may make the speaker feel better but doesn’t do much for the object of the description. 
  • MBall
    MBall Member Posts: 4
    Hi @averi
    i totally get where you’re coming from and have been through the same thing. I was diagnosed 1 year ago today with DCIS at the age of 36. My surgeon said to me that in Australia DCIS is considered cancer however anywhere else in the world they class it as a pre cancer. Saying that since then I have still been told by others that it is a pre cancer 🤷🏼‍♀️ it is definitely confusing and hard to know where you stand. I had a lumpectomy and re excision but still had cancer cells on the margin so was told I needed a mastectomy. I chose to have a bilateral mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with expanders. They also did a sentinel node biopsy where they took 2 lymph nodes one of which they found 8 tumours in. I am now on tamoxifen for 5 years. 
    I actually wrote a post to put on my social media to raise awareness but am yet to post it. I’m not one to shout these things to the world but at the same time if it can help even one person to get checked i would be happy. Now to be brave and actually post it haha
    One thing I’m not sure of is DCIS included in the 1 in 7 stat? And is it 1 in 7 or 1 in 8 women that will be diagnosed with breast cancer?? 
    I wish you all the best in your journey @averi. You’re not alone. If only things were clearer xx