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ABC Global Alliance Webinar Covid-19 and breast cancer: Ask the experts 8 June 2020

Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
edited June 2020 in Metastatic breast cancer

Email from ABC Global Alliance

Dear All,

COVID-19 is creating a status of unprecedent uncertainty also by disrupting the
continuity and quality of care in other disease areas such as cancer. While
measures to contain the disease are necessary, it is important not to forget of
the needs of the cancer community and the challenges that those patients are
encountering during the COVID-19 pandemic.

disruption of treatments and follow up, the higher risk of complications, the
isolation and loneliness, all increase the burden of distress that breast
cancer patients already experience due to their condition and raise questions
that most of the time remain unanswered.

To provide support to breast cancer patients,
with a special focus on advanced/metastatic breast cancer patients, the ABC Global Alliance has brought together a multidisciplinary panel of
experts who will answer questions posed by patients themselves
during the webinar COVID-19 AND BREAST CANCER: ASK THE EXPERTS that will take place on 8 June 2020 from 13:00 until 14:30 CEST.

We invite
you to submit your question(s) in advance (deadline to submit questions 2
June). A committee of patient advocates will compile and revise the questions
received and put them forward to the expert panel. Don’t miss this opportunity
to have your doubts clarified and your questions answered.

Link to
register and submit questions: https://www.abcglobalalliance.org/events-initiatives/past-webinars/webinar-covid-19-and-bc/

Kind regards,

ABC Global Alliance


Cheers Giovanna


  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Just a comment. I've looked at this, and registered out of interest, but it's actually a 10pm start, given the time difference.
    I didn't completely make that connection until after I'd registered