Gadgetry confusion ... advice needed



  • BlackWidow
    BlackWidow Member Posts: 272
    Thank you to everyone for your support.  I did not really kill the laptop, just sent it to hospital for an extended stay and surgery !  It is back but I don't think I will play with it for a while (it does not belong to me).   I was speaking to a neighbour over the bins last week and she was wearing one of the fit things so I asked her all about it. I have had some good advice and she will set it up for me on her modern phone and I can go in and look at things now and then after these restrictions are eased.  I am quite amazed at what the thing records and how she can keep an eye on her health in general.   It does show her steps and heart rate, just what I wanted. Seems the older pedometers are not so popular and I would need a separate thing to check my heart rate. In the meantime I am doing what I can to improve my fitness, when the weather allows. I would like to have some official track of my progress I am really considering this idea. Thank you all for being such helpful ladies.  Anne  
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Chemist sell pedometers 
  • BlackWidow
    BlackWidow Member Posts: 272
    Thank you @primek.  Our local chemist doesn't sell pedometers but could get one in - then add that to the cost of something to track my heart rate and it is far more than the fit thing.  Seems younger people don't want simple items like us older people.  :)
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    For heart rate...warch with second hand. Find pulse and count for 15 seconds and x4.