Not Again....



  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553

    If you are'nt bothered by being slightly dodgy you could tell your GP you're suffering terrible headaches and chronic back and chest pain. If they put "headaches" on the referral that will get you a free brain MRI.  
    The gap for the chest, abdo, pelvis should be about $200. That get's most of you done LOL.  
    The boob specific one is harder to swing unless it comes from a "specialist, consultant or OPD at the hospital. No medicare if referred by GP and the price around here is $595 but seems to vary depending on the radiology place.

    @CRM is that a public hospital? If referred by the surgeon you should not have to pay.  Unless all hospitals are not operating that way...I'm not sure.

  • jintie
    jintie Member Posts: 114
    My Mum had an MRI late last year when she was diagnosed and they were questioning whether she had BC in the other boob.  Once she was diagnosed via a biopsy in her R boob, she had a MRI which looked at her L boob and she didn’t have to pay a cent.  This doesn’t cover routine scans though...
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Excellent news!  Take care
  • rene2476
    rene2476 Member Posts: 21

    kezmusc said:

    Hi @rene2476,

    This just truly sux. I'm kind of in the same boat at the moment.  They've been tracking a lesion (3 yrs since the original one) that has been showing on my MRI, not visible on mammo or u/s.  I finally bit the bullet and had it removed last Wednesday. I'm still waiting on the results.  It's been a long drawn out saga.  My post Scan day freaking sux has the details of how it kept getting missed and was incredibly difficult to biopsy as it couldn't be done in the MRI. Read that as six core biopsies couldn't hit it. Grrr
    For the life of me I cannot understand why MRI is not standard procedure for B/C follow up.  
    Quite honestly I think the second time around the waiting is worse....we know too much now.
    I have all my fingers, toes and legs crossed for you lovely.  Lets hope we both get the results we want.

    Big hugs to you, fingers crossed for great results xx

  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Fantastic news lovely.  I am still waiting.  I left a message yesterday but no it's starting to conjure up all those nasty thoughts.  Ugghhh
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Fantastic news 
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096

    best wishes from jennyss in Western NSW