Not Again....

rene2476 Member Posts: 21
edited January 2020 in General discussion
Hello fellow pink warriors...It has been awhile.
My world turned upside down again last week when I had an MRI.  They have found a lump in my LH Breast now, 4 years and 6 months since my previous diagnosis.  I am freaking out.  I have a core biopsy booked for tomorrow am and will hopefully have the results from this by Friday.  This lump has not shown up in a mammogram or ultrasound that I had late November last year and is behind the nipple apparently. . They have mentioned it could just be a 'fibroid'??? (may have that term wrong) and to not 'stress' just yet.  Easier said than done.  Any one else has a similar experience?   


  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    I've not had a recurrence but am here to wish you all the best, @rene2476.  You are an 'old hand' at this BC saga so you know not to panic just yet, take one step at a time.
    Sending a big gentle hug.  <3
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    That’s a bugger @rene2476  -  hopefully it is just a fibroid. Is this the other boob?  

    Try not to second guess the results, difficult tho it is!

     All the best for the core biopsy tomorrow. Xx. We’ll be thinking of you 

  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    Hey rene, fingers crossed its all okay.  I've heard of fibroids before, apparently they are quite common.  

    Good luck for tomorrow.
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    Hi Rene, it’s a bugger and totally unfair to have to worry again. I got a recurrence in the same breast 7yrs after my first bc.I had to have a mastectomy and chemo.That was almost 10yrs ago and I’m fine now.
    I always hope for the best but prepare for the worst.You can’t turn off the worry so just keep busy.Big hug.xx
  • Jane_Elizabeth
    Jane_Elizabeth Member Posts: 158
    I had a right side mastectomy and axillary clearance, then chemo and radio. I have a fibroadenoma on the left side behind the nipple. Each year at my mammogram/ultrasound they hunt around for it, eventually find it, and measure it. Each year it is approx the same size. Nevertheless, each year I panic, because I also originally had a fibroadenoma on my right side too. However, apparently there is no proven link between fibroadenoma and cancer.
    We all worry. 😔
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Mine is a cyst so they say. They measure it every year. Never had an Mri or a biopsy on it though.
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    I was told for years that the slowly growing lump in my axilla was a cyst. Looked like a cyst on mammogram and ultrasound. Nothing to worry about. I eventually insisted on getting it removed and went on the public waiting list for nearly a year. Turned out to be Grade 2A invasive mucinous carcinoma and here I am. I'm getting everything biopsied from now on.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I should have insisted on an MRI when I was diagnosed but my BS advised against it. If I had it would have saved one operation and five months of agonised decision making, and endless tears, about the BMX. My advice to everyone now is inisist upon it if you can at all possibly afford it.
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    If you are a public patient and referred through surgical outpatients clinic the hospital should be paying.  You may have to jump up and down a bit but at $600 a hit it's worth the jumping.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    All the best for your results on Friday @rene2476 xx

    My 'stand in' Onc (mine is on maternity leave) arranged an MRI for me - but of the hip area, not the boobs, as I was having unusual prolonged pain there & I wanted to make sure it wasn't something nasty.  I didn't have to pay for it. 

    I personally reckon everyone should have an MRI of their boobs 12 months after surgery - it should be standard procedure - then they have something to compare with should there be a next time - otherwise they are only guessing 'how long' something has been there!  

    If you have any unexplained aches & pains that just won't go away - demand an MRI!
  • dodg113
    dodg113 Member Posts: 53
    HI - things just dont seem fair sometimes ...waiting is the worst i agree - i know that MRI are not used as standard as they can often pick up lots of non cancerous lesions ie fibroadenoma but of course it means lots of biopsies and the waiting - 
    guess we have to way up the MRI which may mean more biopsy etc which  may be for benign lesions ...
    I had a 2nd breast ca dx at my 5yr scan picked up uss ,mammo had radio/lumpectomy on 1st one and decided just to have mastectomy reconstruction on 2nd -def happy that decided on that..  Had an MRI of breast before surgery just to check nothing hidign in 1st breast..
    Good luck for Friday xx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    It's all been said. Just shitty and we all feel your fear. Toes and fingers crossed. 
  • CRM
    CRM Member Posts: 94

    kezmusc said:

    If you are a public patient and referred through surgical outpatients clinic the hospital should be paying.  You may have to jump up and down a bit but at $600 a hit it's worth the jumping.

    I have an MRI next month (referred by surgeon) and was originally told by the hospital it would cost $800 but then when I questioned it they came back and told me it would only be $200.  Definitely worth questioning!  I think you do need the referral to get the medicare discount.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    My oncologist said CT scans arent great because of the amount of radiation and I am allergic to the contrast dyes. He also said they can have a nasty habit of picking up false positives in cancer and better not to know.
    I would dearly love a full body inspection MRI but no idea what it would cost. For peace of mind on my 5 year anniversary it would be a good thing I am thinking? Lately the dog has been curiously sniffing my breath when I get on the loo first thing in the morning. It is worrying as my previous dog would often sniff at my cancer side boob before that was diagnosed too.