First time I have cried



  • Annie71
    Annie71 Member Posts: 11
    Dear @MisseMooks, being alone can really suck sometimes. I hope you take up the offers of tea above and do tell your friends how you are feeling. Research shows people feel more fulfilled in life when they are helping others in some way so in a way you’ll be doing them a service by letting them help you! I’m not meaning to be trite, really I would hate to think that a friend of mine had felt this way and not told me. 
    I also go up and down with anxiety and have been struggling in the last few months with a combination of difficult boss and BC diagnosis. I have DMX on 5/2, and despite doing my best with meditation, medication and self care, am not sleeping too well. I live alone too. A couple of things have helped my mood: I recently fostered a rescue cat and his bonkers antics have been a good distraction; I like sewing and singing and have been doing small projects when I can. Also venting to a friend who has been through a similar cancer experience. 
    Please don’t suffer in silence, keep venting to this group and accept offers of help and listening ears. Hugs to you.  Annie