3 weeks post Bilateral DIEP breast recon

Marketta Member Posts: 34
edited November 2019 in General discussion
Hi. I finally did my DIEP op. I procrastinated for ages and it feels so good to have it over and done with 

im 3 weeks post op, I think I’m recovering well but you know how you don’t “really” know. I get mixed advice but I’m off the pain meds which is a positive.

I’m still not standing straight though. I’m close but it’s a xhallenge. I really have to focus to lengthen and I’m pretty slow walking around but Iv been walking around the block and walking around the shops but I’m not straight and I’m slow is this ok or should I be straight and walking normal?

what point did you lay flat with no pillow under knees?

im showering without my surgical suit  (was anyone else’s belly flakey? Like swap skin?)

im just mindful I don’t want to over do it but I want to make sure I’m doing enough


  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I was upright fairly quickly, but it was maybe four weeks before I slept without support in bed. We're all different, so run your own race! Are you doing the phsyio exercises? K xox
  • Marketta
    Marketta Member Posts: 34
    I havnt been given any?!
    well just told to walk, breathe and try stand up straight.
    Which I’m doing all of the above.

    i had a double mast last year and had temp expanders ( so my upper body feels pretty good, iv got good range) it’s just the tightness that when I stand straight it makes me feel I’m gonna pop open from the seem 😬( sorry for graphic wording) 

    I’m just a real literal person and I like to be told what to do so I can hit targets. 

    Thanks for response x

  • Glemmis
    Glemmis Member Posts: 344
    Hi @Marketta, I was allowed to be upright on day 5. I walked as soon as I got home increasing daily. I think it was about 4 weeks sleeping without pillows & 6 weeks on my side. I found my stomach was really tight & uncomfortable by night. Just take it slowly, you will get there, it is a long recovery. 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Sounds like you are doing great. It's not uncommon to get some flaky skin near a scar area as the top layer sheds...but tbe dressings and coverinfs prevent normal friction skin flaking.
  • Marketta
    Marketta Member Posts: 34
    Thanks ladies 
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    Hi @Marketta,
    congrats on your surgery. This is a really great question to also pop in our choosing breast reconstruction group. I think you might be a member but here’s the link. There are quite a few members who may not come to the main forum who have had this surgery. After my bilateral TRAM which is similar I think I was upright after about a week but definately by 2 weeks. It did feel really tight though. I slept with pillows for quite a few weeks, I was almost in a nest of them. I would lose one every few days. You sound like you are doing really well. 
    Paula xx
  • Marketta
    Marketta Member Posts: 34
    Thank you. Iv since “straightened up” I think I was more scared to go against the resistance but I tried and every days a bit better.
    I’ll keep trying

    thank you
  • jackie 4
    jackie 4 Member Posts: 46
    edited March 2020
    Take your time, your body has gone through a massive procedure.  I think I was 6-7 weeks before walking comfortably. The ab binder was my friend 🙂.  I had more of an issue with a reaction to the tape they used on my incisions. They said they did not usually have a problem with it but since me my surgeon had over half a dozen more ladies have the same issues.  That was frustrating as you didn’t know what was “normal”, took longer to heal and bigger scar in places and I have never had such problems in the past.  Do not have sensitive skin or allergies. All good now. 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Marketta I'd give your PS's office a call and request physio exercises. Or find an exercise physiologist to give you some exercises. I had my DIEP in a private hospital and the hospital physio came round for several days to give me exercises and help me do them. Maybe your breastcare nurse could help? K xox
  • Katy_Sodapop
    Katy_Sodapop Member Posts: 50

    Marketta said:

    Hi. I finally did my DIEP op. I procrastinated for ages and it feels so good to have it over and done with 

    im 3 weeks post op, I think I’m recovering well but you know how you don’t “really” know. I get mixed advice but I’m off the pain meds which is a positive.

    I’m still not standing straight though. I’m close but it’s a xhallenge. I really have to focus to lengthen and I’m pretty slow walking around but Iv been walking around the block and walking around the shops but I’m not straight and I’m slow is this ok or should I be straight and walking normal?

    what point did you lay flat with no pillow under knees?

    im showering without my surgical suit  (was anyone else’s belly flakey? Like swap skin?)

    im just mindful I don’t want to over do it but I want to make sure I’m doing enough

    Don't push it! Take it slow and easy 
    I pushed it too much, tried to straighten myself when my body wasn't ready and opened up my wound and it's very noticeable. 
    That's my advice, I took around 3 months to feel slightly normal so just don't rush it 
    Hope you're improving